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This is the first part to a two-part mini-series I'm writing. I've been writing this for months and the first part is finally ready. I hope you guys enjoy! :)

Peter had been out patrolling for hours. His spidey-senses had been acting up ever since he handed in his chemistry test that afternoon and he had wasted no time in rushing out of school to try and find out what was wrong. In all the hours he had been out, however, he spotted nothing.

His legs were dangling as he sat on the rooftop of an apartment building, looking at the city. No matter how many years he had spent being Spider-Man, nothing seemed to amaze him more than how beautiful New York looked at night, especially when Christmas was only weeks away and he could already see the reds and greens lighting up the houses in the suburban areas of the city.

But as he sat there, looking at all the lights, Peter still felt like something was wrong. He had noticed how much worse the feelings of dread and alert had gotten ever since he first walked out of school. Except, at that very moment, his senses couldn't focus on a particular thing. It seemed that whatever had made his spidey-senses go wild was now coming from everywhere.

He was about to try and look for something wrong once again when he got a call from May. Normally, he would've ignored it, too into his Spider-Man duties, but it had been her fifth call that afternoon and he was already on edge. Peter felt the need to answer the phone, just to make sure she was okay, even if he knew she was probably calling just to ask if he could get groceries before he got home.

"Hey May, wha-," Before Peter could even utter out another word, May had already interrupted him, "You need to come home, right now."

Peter frowned and waited for May to say something else that would put him at ease, but the other line was quiet, "May, are you okay?"

He heard his aunt sigh and take a breath before he heard her voice again, "I'm okay but there's someone here to see you and- Look, I don't know how to explain this over the phone, you need to see it for yourself, okay?"

She hung up before Peter could say anything else. He sighed as he wondered what could possibly be so urgent. She sounded stressed, almost shocked. And last time he had heard that tone in her voice... He shook his head and jumped off the building after shooting a web towards the building in front of him.

When he was only a few minutes away from getting home, he landed on the alleyway where he had webbed his backpack. Luckily for him, unlike most times, his backpack was still right where he had left it earlier that day. He changed out of his suit and into normal clothes. He had no idea who or what was waiting for him the moment he got home and he needed to be cautious.

He eventually opened the door to their apartment. May was sitting on the couch with a hand over her mouth as she stared at the black TV screen right in front of her, but there seemed to be no one in sight. She looked up once she heard him lock the door and walked up to her nephew.

Only then did he see how shaken May looked, her bloodshot eyes a sign that she had been crying, "She's waiting in your room," May spoke. She? Then that's when he remembered his awkward encounter with Gwen Stacy that morning and how she had promised to stop by. Peter rolled his eyes at the thought of seeing the blonde girl.

He sighed and shook his head as he turned around to just go talk to her and get things over with, but before Peter could take a step to go to his room, May grabbed him by the arm, "Before you go in there, just know this won't be an easy thing to process. I'm right here if you need anything and please be careful, Peter."

He nodded and offered May a small smile as some type of reassurance. Thankfully enough for him, his room was only a few steps away from the living room, which didn't give him time to worry too much or let his mind wander far. As he stood in front of the door, he felt his senses acting up more than they had all afternoon. That's when he noticed that whatever had had him on edge all afternoon, now stood in his room, waiting for him to open the door and he was starting to think it most definitely was not Gwen Stacy.

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