Small World

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Kurt's POV

"Oh, shit, man. Look who it is!" I heard Dave say to Krist, pointing to someone in the distance. We were waiting for our third interview of the day. It might has well have been the hundredth. I was tired of this shit more than anything.
"Nah, that's not him, is it?" Krist replied. "Hey, Kurt!"
"What?" I answered, tossing the butt of my cigarette on the ground and stepping over to them.
"Look over there. Is that the piece of shit that Liz was dating?" Motherfucker. It was Craig.
"You mean is engaged to?" I asked bitterly. "And yes, that's him."
"Oh my God, he's really interviewing us?" Dave laughed. I shot him a glare. "C'mon, Kurt. This will be fun!"
"You've got a weird definition of fun," I muttered as they led us to get seated for the interview. I pulled a bag of weed out of my pocket and packed a bowl, to the interest of my two band mates. I was going to need something to get through this. Cigarettes weren't going to cut it.
A few moments later, scrawny little Craig Morris dressed in his pressed blue button-down and khakis, press badge hanging around his neck, introduced himself, notebook in hand. He was working for some magazine that I couldn't be bothered to remember.
"How are you all doing today?" He asked with a smile that made me want to kick him in the teeth. He made my skin crawl.
"I'd be better if I wasn't here," I answered, throwing in a chuckle to soften the blow. Craig's eyes widened as he noticed us passing our bowl back and forth.
"Want a hit, buddy?" Krist asked Craig, who looked mildly horrified.
"Umm, let's just get started then," Craig continued, ignoring Krist. "So, when you released Nevermind, did you anticipate this level of commercial success?" I raised an eyebrow. Luckily, Krist jumped in.
"Yes. As a matter of fact, when I gazed into my crystal ball, approximately one week prior to the album's release, I saw that we were going to be a monstrous success."
"And then my tarot cards confirmed it," Dave chimed in. I couldn't help but laugh. Craig looked like he didn't know what to do or say.
"And then my ouija board said, 'you will be interviewed by countless douchebags.'" I added, holding out my hands to mimic using a ouija board. I couldn't help myself. I had to get a jab in somewhere. Craig's face reddened as he scribbled something into his notebook.
"Okay," he continued, ignoring us. "So, I understand that it's not possible to predict when you're going to reach this level of success. But could you speak to me about your music video for "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? What gave you the inspiration for that?"
"Well, Kurt's got an underarm fetish," Dave answered, struggling to keep a straight face.
"Yes. He's got a gift for identifying peoples' deodorant," Krist continued. "It's a real talent. So we just rolled with that, man." Craig looked so mortified that I almost felt bad for him. Almost. Until I remembered that he was engaged to Liz. Then I just felt sick.
The interview carried on much like that. Krist and Dave gave smart ass answers to nearly all of Craig's questions and I stayed mostly quiet. I was confident he had almost nothing he could actually use, which did amuse me a good bit.
Finally, the interview came to a close.
"Well, thanks for your time, guys," Craig said to us, closing his notebook. "I know it can't be easy getting all this media attention constantly." He reached out to shake hands with Krist. I leapt back. There was no way I was shaking his hand. If it bothered him, he didn't let it show.
"Maybe I'll get to catch up with you guys again soon. I just moved to the area and the city's great. Anyway, take it easy guys. Thanks again."
Craig turned and walked away, acting professional despite us just destroying every ounce of his interview. Such a scumbag. But one thing stood out to me. He said he had moved here. Did that mean that Liz had moved here too?
I knew I shouldn't go down that path. But I fully intended to try to look up Craig Morris's address as soon as I had the time, because I was a horrible creep who just couldn't leave Liz alone.

Liz's POV

"Kurt Cobain called me a douchebag today."
"What?" I choked, nearly spitting out the wine I was drinking with dinner. Craig and I were sitting in the kitchen of our new Seattle apartment, boxes still strewn about from moving.
"You know, the lead singer of Nirvana?" Craig said, poking at his salad with his fork. I could feel my face involuntarily turning red. Fuck!
"Oh, yeah. Him." I nodded "So what happened?"
"Well I got to interview them today, Lizzie. But they were a bunch of miserable assholes. So much fucking sarcasm." I had to stifle my laughter. I knew the guys had probably done that to Craig just for me. But still, the thought of Craig interviewing Kurt was horrifying.
"That's too bad that they weren't nicer," I answered, unsure of what else to say.
"Well, they have a reputation for not being very forthcoming," Craig answered. "Oh, and get this. They were smoking a bowl of weed during the interview. The bassist even offered me a hit." I chuckled, imagining Krist. "What?" Craig asked.
"Well, maybe you should have taken it. They probably would have been nicer."
"I don't do drugs, Lizzie," Craig answered, raising an eyebrow at me.
"I was joking, hon."
"I don't know how I'm going to write up this interview," Craig sighed, looking frustrated.
"I'm sure you'll work it out. You're a good journalist. Plus, I'm sure there aren't many people in the world that can claim that Kurt Cobain called them a douchebag." I bit back a smile.
"Oh, I'm sure there are enough," Craig replied, excusing himself from dinner. "Seems like it's probably a regular occurrence. The guy's an asshole."

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