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Elizabeth's POV

I woke up to find myself in bed alone.  Surprised, I turned on my side to find a note scribbled on a piece of motel stationary lying next to me.

Good Morning Beautiful,

I ran out to get the things you need from the store. I'll be back very shortly. You know I can never stay away from you for long. Missing you already.

All My Love,


I blushed, remembering the night before.  There would never be anyone else; only Kurt.  I would follow him anywhere. I was his, and his alone.  I was finished with Craig.  I'd been foolish to let things linger on this long, and now he had hurt me in ways that were truly unacceptable. He was a stranger to me, and Kurt was my soulmate.  He was the only thing that mattered.  He deserved so much better than me running back to someone else and making him feel like a bad person.  It was time to end the lies. 

Kurt walked back through the door a moment later, balancing two cups of coffee and a bag from the store.  He saw me grinning and immediately grinned too.

"Good morning, sunshine," he said cheerfully.

"Good morning," I answered, both of us radiating good moods.  This was how I wanted it to be forever. 

"I got you some stuff from the store."  He emptied out the bag, which had a pair of cotton shorts, a t-shirt, my favorite shampoo, the deodorant I used, a hairbrush, toothpaste and two toothbrushes, a pair of flipflops in my size, a pack of cigarettes and a large bag of M &Ms.  "Did I do okay?" he asked nervously. 

"Kurt, you're perfect!" I exclaimed, marveling over how he thought of everything and remembered little details about things that I liked.  "Thank you so much."  I threw my arms around him and gave him a kiss on the lips.  "I love you."

"I love you too," he answered, brushing the tip of his nose against mine and grinning. 

I got showered and dressed in my new, comfortable clothes while Kurt made some phone calls to people in LA.  He would eventually need to head back there, and I supposed at some point I would have to return back home to retrieve my belongings and tell Craig face to face that it was over.  I dreaded it, but it had to happen.  And I owed it to him to tell him the truth rather than just disappear, no matter how much it terrified me. 

I knew I needed to reach Lisa today since I was sure Craig's car would be found soon and I didn't want them to think I'd been abducted or murdered or something.  The last thing I needed was the police looking for me. 

"...alright, catch ya soon, Dave.  Thanks again man.  Later."  Kurt hung up the phone and turned to smile at me. 

"What's going on?" I asked. 

"Well, we're set to get started with recording on Tuesday afternoon.  So I have to be back in LA for that.  My friend Mike is okay with me using the car until then. So I am free until Monday night." He grinned.

"So shall we hang out at this shitty motel for a while longer?" I asked.  "Or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"I don't care where we are as long as I'm with you," Kurt answered, grabbing my hand and looking into my eyes.  I couldn't help but smile. 

"Me either," I replied, feeling my heart melt.  "Umm, I just have to... well I think I have to reach out to Lisa.  I left her a voicemail the other night when I left, but I need to explain some more to her. Especially now since I'm afraid they'll send the police looking for me or something."

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