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"Kurt!" I exclaimed, yanking the door open to allow him inside. "What are you doing here?" I grinned as I threw my arms around him. He pulled me close and held me tightly.
"I needed to see you before I leave," he said softly, kissing my forehead. He was leaving for Europe in two days.
"I didn't think you were going to have time," I answered.
"I made time." He started kissing me urgently, almost greedily, as I pushed the door shut behind him.
"I miss you so much," he breathed, his eyes glistening with tears as he gazed at me between kisses. I gradually led the way towards my bedroom, not wanting to waste any of the precious little time I had with him before he was gone.
I tried my best to memorize every way that he looked at me as he undressed me, the way every gentle caress of his hands felt against my skin. I tried to remember the feel of every place his lips kissed me, and the way he gazed into my eyes when we made love, his own blue ones filled with intensity and desire.
Afterwards I held him close against me in my bed, burying my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you so much, Liz," his voice cracked.
"I love you too, Kurt. I will miss you so much. But you're going to do great. And you'll be back soon."
"Not soon enough," Kurt answered, pulling himself more closely against me.
"Are you sure you're okay, Kurt?" I asked. Something about him seemed a little off.
"I'm just nervous. This whole European tour is a big deal."
"Well I'm really fucking proud of you, Kurt. So proud," I said honestly. He was still looking healthy and handsome as ever.
"Thanks," he mumbled, not meeting my eyes. I leaned over him and brushed the tip of my nose over his the way he often did to me. That made a small smile spread across his lips. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before snuggling back against him.
Kurt was mostly quiet as we cuddled but I knew there was a lot on his mind, so I just stroked his hair gently to soothe him.

Kurt's POV

So what if I hadn't told Elizabeth about Courtney? It was a one time thing. Besides, Liz was technically with Craig. We had never discussed whether or not we could see other people. I hadn't technically done anything wrong.
These were the things I kept telling myself over and over, while guilt tried to consume me.
And the heroin. I used that one night, and that was it. I hadn't done it since. I had my moment of weakness and I got over it. Right here, with Liz, sober, would always be a thousand times better than being high with Courtney.
Maybe I should have told Liz about my mistakes, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't bear her being angry when I left. I needed to know that she loved me and that she was waiting for me to get back in order to get through this.
Courtney sure was persistent though. She kept wanting to meet up with me. Luckily I was too busy to entertain any of her invites. I would need to put a stop to that. I felt a bit guilty that I had led her on. But it had been a drugged mistake. She was a nice girl, but she wasn't Liz. I wished she'd just leave me alone.
I knew at some point I had to talk to both of them. I just dreaded it. So I would prolong it for as long as I could, while I toured around Europe when all I wanted was to be home.

I couldn't stay with Liz long today, unfortunately. I didn't want to have to leave her. I made love to her again, trying to convey every ounce of how much I loved and missed her. And then I held her close again.
"I will think of you every single day," I whispered to her. "And I'll imagine I'm sleeping next to you every night." A sweet smile spread across her lips when I said that.
"I will, too," she answered.
"And I'll try to call you every day, if I can."
"And I have a number where I should be able to reach you."
"I wish you were coming to visit me, Liz."
"God, I wish I could. I wish so much. But how could I possibly explain to Craig?"
"I know. We've been through this. But I can still dream." I kissed her forehead and brushed my hand through her hair. "I don't know what I'll do without the other half of my soul."
"I'll be right here thinking of you," Liz promised. I cuddled with her again, knowing that our minutes were preciously short.
I vowed to myself that I would do better for her. I would stay away from drugs, I would stay away from Courtney. I would work as hard as I could on my music and I would be the person Liz believed I was. I owed that to her. Soon I could put this little mistake far behind me and make everything okay again.

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