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Kurt's POV

I was driving down the highway as fast as I dared, trying to get to her. I was a mixture of emotions, but mostly worried. I wanted to see her and hold her to know she was safe. This seemed so reckless. I was also pissed. Why the hell would Craig think inviting her mother to her birthday as a surprise was an okay thing to do? Didn't he know her at all?

I knew she had to be hurting so badly. I could hardly stand to think of her pain. Maybe this would be enough for her to leave him. Finally. I couldn't stop thinking about what Dave had said to me earlier. I respected the hell out of Dave, which is why I didn't get pissed at him--that and I wasn't about to lose another fucking drummer. But in my heart I just couldn't stand to think he was right. I knew what I felt with her was real. And powerful. I knew it more than anything.

Finally, I saw the signs for Coalinga. I got off the highway and the mercifully the gas station was immediately visible in the distance. As I got closer I could see a lone car sitting off to the side in the parking lot. I sure hoped it was her. I drove closer to it, keeping a bit of distance in case it was a stranger. But it was her--the angel I would have driven to the edge of the Earth to protect.

I saw her leaping from driver's seat before I could even get parked. I quickly cut the engine and hopped out of the car too. I felt my heart start racing, both from the thrill of seeing her and the concern that she was okay.

Her hair was all disheveled, like she'd had it styled up before and then had it loose and blowing in the wind while driving. She was wearing some kind of long, navy blue formal dress that wasn't like anything I'd ever seen her wear in my life. As I ran closer, I could see that her makeup was a mess from her crying. I was instantly reminded of the first night I met her and so angry that Craig would cause her this much pain.

"Sweetheart," I breathed gently, stretching my arms out for her, as she threw herself against me and I wrapped her in an embrace as tightly as I could. I felt her entire body shake as she sobbed. My heart broke for her, and I felt myself start crying as I held her because I couldn't stand to see her in pain.  Having her in my arms immediately made my anger dissipate.  She calmed my darkness, just like always. 

"I've got you, love. I'm here," I whispered softly into her ear. I let her sob and sob against me, never loosening the grip I had on her. I needed her to know that I was here, always, and that I'd never let her go. Finally, I felt her breathing start to slow. I rubbed circles on her back, trying to soothe her more. I stayed quiet until she was ready to speak.

"I'm so glad you came," she said softly into my ear, clinging to me like she never wanted to let go.

"I will always be here for you, Liz. I mean that. I don't care what it is. If you need me, I will find a way to get to you as quickly as I possibly can."

"Thank you so much, Kurt. I feel like such a wreck." She loosened her grip on me. I rested my forehead against hers, staring into her puffy, red-rimmed eyes illuminated only by the dim parking lot lights. Even though I was furious at Craig for daring to hurt her so badly, I was also calmed by her presence in the way that I always had been.

"I really hope you believe me when I tell you that I love you more than anything in the entire universe." She nodded her head, her eyes never leaving mine.

"You've shown me time and time again how much you love me. And I feel just the same about you, Kurt. It's indescribable how much I love you. I feel like I've been so bad at showing it." Her eyes started tearing up again and her lip quivered. I didn't want her hurting any more because of me. I pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She responded by kissing me gently back, in the most loving way, that conveyed everything she felt for me. I felt like my heart might explode from the amount of love it held for her.

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