Maybe Just Happy

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The show went better than perfectly.  Even Kurt thought so.  The guys sounded amazing.  It was obvious that all of their practicing had paid off.  The crowd was more receptive than any of us had imagined they would be.  It seemed that Nirvana, the name Kurt had recently decided to try out, was definitely breaking into the local music scene.  I had this crazy feeling that this was the start of something big. 

After they were finished playing, Kurt hastily tossed down his guitar, jumped off of stage and threw his arms around me, grinning like I'd never seen him grin before. 

"See, you were perfect!" I shouted over the noise. 

"I don't know about perfect, but I think we were pretty damn good!"  I grabbed his face and kissed him. 

"My boyfriend, the rockstar." I grinned. 

"Oh?  You're seeing someone else that I don't know about?" Kurt joked. 

"Yep.  Aaron finally won me over," I said, deadpan. 

"Don't even joke about that," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. 

"Turns out I've been long forgotten anyway," I laughed, pointing to a few yards away where Aaron was kissing some red-haired girl we'd never seen before.  We both chuckled, shaking our heads. 

"Party at our place!" shouted Shelli, who hadn't stopped bouncing around since the show had ended.  Krist was grinning at her, obviously pleased by her enthusiasm. 

A little while later, the guys had gathered their equipment and crammed it into their cars.  Most of the crowd had cleared out, except for a few lingering people that Krist and Shelli invited to the party. 

"You want to go to the party, right?" Kurt asked me quietly as we were about to get in the car. 

"Absolutely," I answered.  "This is definitely something to celebrate!"

"You're right," he admitted, the corners of his lips turning up slightly.

"Of course I am!" I joked, buckling my seatbelt and settling in for the ride. 

"You know, it felt completely surreal," Kurt commented, as he shifted the car into gear and began to drive.  "Hearing people actually cheering and applauding for us.  I'm still in shock."

"Kurt, you guys are really good," I pointed out.  "And not only that.  You have a different sound than most other bands.  I think it's grabbing peoples' attention."

"I'm just so thrilled that it went well," Kurt continued, sounding more confident and relieved than he had in days.  "Even though it makes me nervous, when I'm in that moment, I love performing.  And being able to look up and see you right up front cheering me on is the best part of all."  I reached over and squeezed Kurt's hand. 

"I think you were born to do this.  I honestly mean that.  You're a natural at all of it.  Writing, singing, playing guitar, having stage presence.  You can do it all amazingly well.  And I'm not just saying that because I love the shit out of you either." 

"I don't know if I'd go that far."  Kurt chuckled.  "But I do appreciate your clearly impartial opinion."  I groaned.  "And I love the shit out of you too, sunshine." I laughed at Kurt's silliness.  It made me beyond happy today. 

"I'll bet you guys will book more gigs after tonight.  It would be crazy if you didn't." 

"It's tough getting started," Kurt replied.  "I've been trying just to get this far for years.  But I think you're right.  I think we made some really good impressions tonight." 

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