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Liz's POV

"What is going on with you, Lizzie?" Craig snapped, as I poured scalding hot coffee right onto the counter, completely missing my mug and managing to drip it all down over my hand and wrist.
Craig ran with a dish cloth to start cleaning up. I didn't answer his question, instead running my burnt hand under the kitchen tap, my eyes tearing.
"You've not been yourself at all," Craig added.
"I've barely been sleeping," I answered. It wasn't untrue. Since Kurt had been gone, I was a wreck.
"I know you aren't happy here, Lizzie. I'm sorry."
I turned off the tap and turned away from Craig, not wanting him to see my tears.
"It's okay." My voice wavered. "I just need some time to adjust." Craig walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt empty inside because he wasn't Kurt. I found myself wondering if that's how Kurt felt when he was with Courtney.
God, it nauseated me to think about him with someone else. I wanted to be angry. But I couldn't bring myself to be a hypocrite. So I buried my feelings deep down inside. I wanted to be with Kurt no matter what. And if that meant he was seeing someone else at the moment, then so be it. I never had any doubt that he loved me.
"Lizzie, maybe you could use a little vacation or something," Craig suggested. "Somewhere sunnier than here. Somewhere you are interested in?"
"Yeah, maybe," I answered tiredly. My mind needed a distraction. "Where do you think we should go?"
"Well, I can't go, Liz. I'm way too busy here. But maybe you could see if Lisa wants to go. Or Shelli. We can afford it right now and I think it would be good for you." I thought for a moment.
"What if I went to somewhere in Europe, Craig?" I asked, wondering if this long-shot idea could actually work.
"I think that would be perfect, Lizzie. If that's what you want."
"Really?" I asked.
"Of course. If that's what will make you happy."
"Let me think about it," I agreed.
I was a bit unsettled by how much it seemed like Craig wanted to get rid of me, but maybe it was just my imagination. And honestly, if I could go meet up with Kurt, even for a day or two, it would make me so happy. I decided I'd see if I could reach him when Craig left for work.

The phone rang a few times before he picked up.
"Hello?" Kurt sounded grumpy and short.
"Hi Kurt."
"Hey, Liz," his voice softened to the one I was used to. "How are you, sweetheart?"
"I'm okay," I answered, excited to tell him. "I just... I have some news. I think I can come to Europe for a bit if you want me to."
"Wow, Liz!" he exclaimed. I could hear happiness in his voice—maybe a bit of apprehension as well. "That sounds great. I miss you so much. My God. How are you able to come?"
"Craig suggested this morning that maybe I needed a vacation from Seattle. And when I mentioned Europe, he didn't mind. He can't come along. It almost felt like he was trying to get rid of me. But I don't care." It still unnerved me that Craig seemed to want me gone. Maybe he was cheating on me like I was on him. I realized that I probably wouldn't care much.
"Wow," Kurt responded. "Well that's weird. But also perfect. Oh my God, Liz. I can't imagine seeing you." He practically sounded like an excited little kid. It was so cute I broke into a grin. "Are you sure you're serious? You can really come?"
"Yes, I can. I'm so freaking excited to see you, Kurt!" I exclaimed. "Do you know your tour schedule?" I needed to see where he was going to be so we could meet up.
He read the list off to me.
"Looks like you'll be near Paris most of next week. I always wanted to go there."
"Then come to Paris, Liz. Come and see me in Paris."
"I'm going to see if I can find a flight and stuff," I answered, suddenly feeling even more giddy. "I can't wait, Kurt!"
"Me either, love. Hey, I have to go. I have an interview and then a show tonight. But call me as soon as you have travel plans."
"I will," I answered.
"Okay. I love you Liz. Miss you so much."
"I love you too, Kurt. Bye."
"Bye, sweetheart."

It took a bit of scrambling around, and a lot of phone calls, but I was able to get a flight to Paris the following Monday. Kurt found out from his manager what hotel they would be staying in and I booked a room at the same place.
We both agreed that we should still keep our relationship a secret. Now that Kurt was publicly seeing Courtney—a thought that still made me cringe—I didn't want to risk causing him trouble. I also didn't want any attention drawn to myself. Kurt promised we'd work it out. And I believed him.

After days of hurried planning and packing, Craig drove me to the airport, seemingly pleased that I was going away for a week. I ignored my suspicions. I had enough going on.

A short while later, I was on board a direct flight to Paris. I still couldn't believe that when we touched down I would be in the same city as Kurt. Things between us were complicated, but maybe I could start trying to fix them. I missed Kurt. I just wanted to see him. We could work out everything else later, but right now I just couldn't wait to be in his arms.

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