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One Month Later, Kurt's POV

"Liz, I miss you so much." Phone calls with her weren't enough for me. I'd visited her once so far, but she was still with him. I was starting to get frustrated, but she kept saying that she just needed more time. I believed her, but still, fuck, I just wanted to get this shit over with.

"Kurt, I miss you too. I wish you were here."

"I wish I could visit again soon, but we're doing a regional tour kind of thing for the next two weeks."

"I miss you so much, Kurt. But that's really great news for you guys!" I could hear the happiness in her voice for me. I missed her like crazy. She should have been here with me. I fucking hated this. I hated that we had to sneak around and that she still hadn't broken up with that motherfucker.

"As soon as we're finished I want to visit you again. I need you, Liz." I felt sick about what we were doing, but I didn't care, because I had to be with her in whatever way I could.

"I need you too, Kurt. God, I miss you like you can't even imagine. A piece of my soul is missing without you."

"Mine too, sweetheart. I only feel complete with you."

"I just love you so much, Kurt. And I hate this. I'm so sorry I'm putting you through this." I heard her voice break and my heart shattered because I couldn't be there to comfort her.

"It's okay, sunshine. I understand. I'm not going to lie—it sucks more than anything. But I get why you have to keep things calm for now. I want you to finish school and graduate. That's what I want more than anything for you right now."

"You're too good for me, Kurt. I'll never deserve you." Fuck, how could she possibly think that?

"Elizabeth. You are my everything. I love you like I've never loved anyone. You are my soulmate and I know you feel it too."

"Yeah," she agreed slowly. "I think I've known it ever since I met you, Kurt."

"Ha. You have no idea." She had dazzled me ever since I first laid eyes on her, huddled on a bench on that rainy night, so clearly lost and out of place. "I think I knew before I ever even spoke to you. You were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. And I instantly felt such a powerfully strong connection to you. But you were hurting so badly that I didn't know what to make of it at first. Plus I was a shy, scrawny dork." I chuckled.

"God, we were just kids then," she reminisced. "But I thought you were the most handsome guy I'd ever seen. And you only get more gorgeous to me every time I see you." Now she was making me blush. I knew she loved when she did that.

"Maybe you need glasses or something," I joked.

"Kurt!" she chastised. "I mean it. All I want is to be able to look into your beautiful blue eyes and know that I am home. I feel so lost without you." This was breaking my heart. I wanted to just say fuck everything and fly down there right now, because I couldn't stand how much she was hurting.

"I promise I am always thinking of you. You know that, right? You are my home too." I missed her so much.

"Shit! Kurt, I gotta go." Her tone of voice changed. "I love you so much. Bye."

"I love you too, sweetheart," I answered, but she'd hung up before I'd even finished my sentence. Now I felt hollow inside--gutted. I knew the reason she had to get off the phone so suddenly was him. There was a part of me that wanted to break his bony face just for looking at Liz. I had to keep reminding myself that he wasn't doing anything wrong. I was the one who was doing all the wrong things. But I couldn't stop myself.

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