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A/N: Okay, so I'm sorry for the cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter. Let's just say that this is the start of where things will get interesting. Thanks for sticking with me this far! I'm super excited to keep writing this story and I hope you enjoy reading it!

As Kurt made his way to the door, a million thoughts raced through my head. Were we getting busted for underage drinking? Marijuana possession? Had Kurt committed some sort of crime that I didn't know about? Could it be something to do with Miss Lydia's? I felt my stomach churning as worries filled my mind.

Kurt swung the door open as I lingered a few feet back, fearing what was about to happen.

"Hello, may I help you?" Kurt said politely. I thanked whatever God might have existed in that moment that neither of us had had much to drink at the party. Kurt was surely sober by now.

"Hello. My name is Officer Lance Reed with the Washington State Police." He flashed a badge. "I am looking for a Miss Elizabeth Thomas. Is she here?"

"Yes, she's just right here," said Kurt slowly, shooting me a glance filled with a mix of concern and confusion. "Come on in." I gulped as Officer Reed, a tall, lanky man who probably was only a few years older than us, stepped into the entryway. Slowly, I shuffled towards him, feeling like my legs were made of cement.

"I'm Elizabeth," I said, surprised by how timid my voice sounded. Kurt reached out and squeezed my hand. As I looked up I noticed that the officer looked troubled. He hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Elizabeth, I'm afraid I have some bad news to deliver to you," he said in a gentle voice. My heart raced. Kurt wrapped his arms around me now, like he was bracing me for what I was expecting to hear but couldn't bare to face. "Your father is Richard Lee Thomas of 357 Oakside Lane in Albany California?"

"Yes," my throat was so dry I could barely speak.

"I'm so very sorry to have to deliver this news to you, but your father was found deceased in his home yesterday. There's no reason to suspect any foul play. We believe it was a result of his severe drinking problem." I instantly burst into tears, burying my face into Kurt's chest.

"Do you have anymore information?" Kurt asked, as he held me as tightly as he possibly could.

"I'm sorry, I don't," Officer Reed answered, sounding genuinely apologetic. "They don't send us details. My best advice would be to contact a family member in the area."

"Okay, thank you sir," Kurt replied.

"Once again, I am truly sorry for your loss, Elizabeth," Officer Reed added. "I'll leave you to yourselves now. Good night." He turned and exited, pulling the door shut behind him.

"Good night," Kurt answered. "Oh, Liz," he whispered gently to me, holding me tightly against him as I sobbed. I don't know how long I stayed that way, crying uncontrollably while Kurt silently rubbed circles on my back, knowing that silence was what I needed to process this catastrophe.

"Kurt," I said finally, my voice cracking. He pulled away far enough to get a look at my face. Tears still streamed from my eyes. "I have to go home."

"You're not going anywhere without me," Kurt answered immediately. "I won't leave you alone. Especially not now."

"But--but our jobs, the band--"

"Shh," Kurt said gently, cutting me off. "None of those things are as important as you, sweetheart. The band can wait. Krist will keep things rolling. We'll let our jobs know and they'll either understand or they won't. I'm sure Kathy and Stan will be supportive. And if I lose my job I'll get another. Okay, love?" Slowly, I nodded my head, even though I was sobbing again.

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