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August 1st, 1996

Backyard of Liz and Kurt's house, somewhere in Canada

Liz's POV

"Elizabeth, you look so beautiful," Lisa told me as she touched up my face with powder.
"I hope so," I answered, twirling in front of the mirror in my simple, A-line white dress with intricate hand-stitched beading at the neckline and waist.
"Kurt is going to think you're so stunning," Shelli added, as she tended to our floral bouquets from across the tent. She and Lisa were both dressed in pale seafoam dresses, as my bridesmaids.
Lisa and I had repaired our damaged friendship within the last year. I eventually confessed everything to her, and she eventually forgave me. Since then she had been one of my biggest supporters.
"I'm so excited, guys," I said, bouncing up and down with nerves. "You both look so great too."
Just then, a small streak of white went darting by.
"Frances!" called Courtney, hurrying after her daughter. "Frances, you have to get ready honey." Courtney turned to us. "She's all dressed and everything. She's just full of energy." We laughed as the little girl walked over to her mother who was kneeling on the ground and gave her a big hug.
"Momma's going to go sit down now, okay? You be good and listen to Shelli, Liz and Lisa, okay?"
"Okay, Mommy," answered Frances with her classic little grin.
"Alright. See you out there," Courtney said to me with a small smile. I smiled back and nodded.
Courtney had remained amicable with us over the years, mostly due to a mutual desire to raise Frances with as much love and affection as possible. I felt honored that she would come to my wedding with Kurt after everything. I knew we'd never be best of friends, but I was glad to have her in my life. And I was so grateful for sweet Frances, my little flower girl.
As I looked at myself in the mirror, tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't believe we had made it. Kurt and I had made it here, after everything.
After Kurt's near suicide attempt, things were really tough for a while. He went back to rehab almost immediately and at first he struggled so much. There were a few slip-ups in the beginning, but I stuck by his side and we got through it. Now he could proudly proclaim that he had been clean for two years. And I couldn't have been more proud of him. He was once again the man I had met all those years ago. He had life in his eyes. He wanted to be here. I didn't think I had ever been more in love with him.
As for Nirvana, they disbanded after Kurt's incident. They all agreed it was best for Kurt to get out of the spotlight for a while. At present, Kurt still hadn't worked on anything musical since. It was too difficult for him. He needed a lot of time and space away from that part of his life. We had bought a large house on a bunch of land in Canada and stayed as far from the public eye as possible. I hoped someday Kurt would find his love for music again, but I knew that might take a while.
Dave had had an awesome amount of success starting up a new band called Foo Fighters. He was the front man this time and he was killing it. He was even more talented than any of us knew.

The music began to play outside of the tent.
"That's our cue guys," said Lisa, grabbing Frances' hand. Lisa and Shelli guided Frances to head down the aisle first, her basket of flowers in hand. A few seconds later, Shelli followed.
"I love you, Liz," Lisa whispered to me, placing a hand on my shoulder before she followed after Shelli.
Finally, it was my turn.
There was only him; Kurt. How was it possible that he became more and more handsome every single time I saw him? He was dressed in a black tuxedo, which was definitely a different look for him, but I loved it. His medium-length blonde hair was messy as usual, and his bright blue eyes were captivated as we maintained eye contact throughout my entire walk down the aisle.
When I arrived at the altar, he turned to me and took my hands in his. I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. There were so many times when I thought we'd never make it here. But here we were, about to be married.
Our vows went by in a delightfully hazy blur. I only remembered bits and pieces: saying "I do" as I looked into the only blue eyes I wanted to gaze into for all of eternity, sliding our rings onto each others' fingers, and the perfect feel of our first kiss as husband and wife.
The cheers from our small audience were boisterous— especially from Krist, Dave and Kurt's few other friends who were present.
As I gazed out over our small gathering of guests I saw the faces who had meant the most to us over the years. Kurt's mom and sister cried happy tears as they put their arms around one another. My mom and Aunt Patricia stood side by side watching us. I'd only recently started inviting my mother back into my life, but things were going okay so far. The group was rounded out by a few other friends of mine and Kurt's from over the years. Everything was small and simple, just the way we had wanted. The sky was a perfect, cloudless blue, the sun shining down upon us after what had felt like so many years of being stuck in an intense darkness. I knew our happy ending was just the beginning of life for us.

Dave's new band was playing for our reception. When the time came for our first dance, Dave played a song he had written.

If ever you think you're not the one
I'll remind you
If ever you think you're 'bout to run
I will follow you
Come on to me
Just let it go
If ever you think you're not the one
I'll remind you
Come on my love
Come on my love

Kurt held me close as we slow danced together, his lips right by my ear.
"I love you, sunshine." He used his old nickname for me—one from years ago.
"I love you so much, Kurt," I answered.
"It doesn't seem like it should be real, does it?" He asked.
"Hmm?" I questioned, not following.
"I should never have gotten to be this happy," he answered. "I'm not even sure how I'm still here."
"Well you are. And that's what matters. You belong here with me."
"You're right, I do." He gave me a soft kiss on the lips, reminding me yet again that he was everything to me.

If ever you think I'm not the one
I'll remind you
If everything under the sun
Stars above you
Come on to me
Just let it go
If ever you think I'm not the one
I'll remind you
Come on my love
Come on my love

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