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I awoke happily in Kurt's arms.  He was already awake, grinning at me.  That smile of his was priceless.  I would do anything to see him happy--including sending him away to chase his dreams.  But I sure was glad that for right now he was here with me. 

"God, I've missed waking up with you."  I smiled.

"I've missed watching you sleep."  I giggled.

"That almost sounds a little creepy, Kurt."

"Well I would have slept more if someone hadn't been snoring all night!" he teased playfully.

"I don't snore!" I argued.

"I'll record it next time."  Kurt laughed.  I faked pouting.  "Don't worry, it's cute.  Just a little loud sometimes." 

"In my defense, I've been exhausted.  I barely slept since you left." 

"I know, love," Kurt answered more seriously, brushing his fingers through my hair.  He pressed a kiss into my forehead.  I snuggled close to him.  I didn't care that it was three in the afternoon and that I had slept all day.  I only wanted to be in his arms. 

We spent nearly the whole day snuggled in bed, only getting up in the early evening when we figured we ought to find something to eat.  Since we were currently broke, we resorted to trying to cook our own spaghetti.  I overcooked the noodles and somehow Kurt managed to scorch some of the sauce by turning up the burner too high. 

We laughed as we sat at the kitchen island trying to eat our failed meal. 

"It's not so bad," Kurt lied, as he twirled and twirled his fork,  barely taking a bite. 

"Bull shit, Kurt.  It's horrible.  When you're rich and famous we need to hire a chef because we cannot cook."  Kurt laughed. 

"And what's your plan B on that matter, Liz?" 

"Umm, we earn enough money to survive off of take-out and pizza?" 

"Pizza sounds good right now.  You're right, this is inedible."  Kurt messed with the spaghetti on his fork, poking at it with his fingers. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, as he pulled the glob of overcooked noodles off of his fork, giggling.  "Don't you even think about it, Kurt Cobain!"  I shouted as I realized he was about to throw a wad of spaghetti at me.  I laughed and ducked, as the blob barely missed my face.  I grabbed my fork and dunked it into the extra spaghetti sauce before flicking it at Kurt so that he was speckled with tiny flecks of pasta sauce. 

"Hey!" he feigned anger, but was cracking up laughing.  Soon we had a full-fledged food fight happening in the kitchen, and I was laughing so hard I was crying.  I couldn't remember the last time I'd been so care-free. 

"Well, so much for dinner."  Kurt dumped the rest of the mess in the trash can. 

"And now we need showers," I laughed. 

"I'll shower with you," Kurt said seriously and I found myself blushing. 

"I think I'd like that," I answered, grinning. 

"I know I'll like that," he answered suggestively, as he pulled a piece of spaghetti noodle from my hair. 

A shower with Kurt ended up being very relaxing.  He washed my hair and I washed his.  It was comforting.  We washed each others' bodies slowly, which eventually led to some touching and kissing and finally some of the best sex we'd ever had.  So I was okay with it. 

By the time we were cleaned up it was pretty late, and we'd had nothing edible for dinner.  "I do have a few bucks," said Kurt.  "Let's get a pizza after all." 

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