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Forfeit the game
Before somebody else
Takes you out of the frame
And puts your name to shame
Cover up your face
You can't run the race
The pace is too fast
You just won't last

["Points of Authority" Linkin Park]

"Well, you've got a lot of nerve showing up here after what you pulled last night," Lydia commented, blocking the doorway.  I cowered slightly at the sound of her angry voice, but Kurt's presence made me feel stronger.  "Don't even think you're getting your job back.  Not after that.  Do you have any idea how much you damaged my reputation?  Do you know how much money I'll lose?"  Her voice was escalating and I could feel Kurt tense up beside me. 

"I don't want my fucking job back.  There's not enough money on Earth to make me want to work here in this hellhole!"  When I spoke, I was in shock that my voice came out so loud and sinister.  But it felt great.  I saw Lydia flinch for a second, but she was even angrier now. 

"Then what the hell are you doing here, you little slut?"  Before I could react, Kurt sprang forward, and I was honestly a little scared.  He leaned right into Lydia's face.  When he spoke, his voice was dark and threatening--not at all like how he spoke to me. 

"Don't you ever fucking speak to her like that again.  She is a beautiful, intelligent woman that you took advantage of for your own sick, fucking personal gain.  You are a vile, pathetic excuse for a human being and you should rot in hell."  His voice grew gradually louder as he spoke, and there was a piercing silence when he stopped.  He stepped back to put his arm around me.  Lydia looked momentarily shaken.  After a moment, she burst into laughter--if you could call it laughter.  Her heinous cackle sounded more like a small animal dying than anything joyous. 

"Who is this, Lizzy?" she inquired of me in a mocking tone.  "Did you finally find some hood rat who would pay for your services last night?"  I was ready to lose it, but Kurt was already flipping out.

"Fuck you, you stupid bitch! You don't fucking know anything about us!  You're lucky you're a woman because I'd beat the fucking shit out of you!"  But he didn't have to.  He didn't even have to say anything else, because all the rage I had been feeling for the past month had built up inside me and was overflowing.  Lydia's attention was on Kurt, so she didn't see my fist until it was inches from her face. 

Apparently I was pretty good at punching.  I felt a horrible crunch of bone and there was blood everywhere.  Lydia had fallen to her knees shrieking. 

"Oh shit," Kurt commented, and when he glanced at me I could see his expression was a mixture of pride, amusement and concern.  I shook my head, grabbed his hand and raced up the stairs, which weren't far from the door. 

The door at the top of the stairs was ajar, and I barrelled right in, Kurt in tow, not caring who was around or how much noise I made.  I just wanted to get my shit and get out.  I grabbed my huge duffel and began shoveling in everything that was in my corner.  Kurt started tossing things to me, trying to help as best as he could.  Lastly, I reached for the spot where I'd kept my money tucked away in it's little zippered sack.  Mercifully, I could feel that there was still something in it. 

There were two girls in the room passed out, who were now stirring, but I ignored them. 

"This is good.  Let's go," I told Kurt, when I was sure I'd grabbed most of my important belongings.  We headed back for the stairs, Kurt ahead of me, both of us carrying my things.  We began barrelling down the stairs at full speed.  Kurt suddenly stopped in the middle of the stairs, throwing his arms out to the sides to block me.  I nearly ran into him. 

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