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Kurt's POV

"Oh my god! No way!" I heard Shelli shriek as she darted for the front door that Krist had just opened. I glanced up from where I was sitting cross-legged on one of the armchairs at Dave's new place, nursing a drink. And my heart leapt into my throat.
The reason behind Shelli's outburst was none other than Elizabeth, with whom she was currently sharing a giant hug. I froze on the spot. I couldn't even try to move. She was beautiful as ever and obviously happy to see Shelli.
There was no getting away without her seeing me. There was nowhere to go. I knew Dave was behind this. The blood drained from my face as Shelli let Liz go and the two walked into the room.
"Hi Liz!" called out Dave, who was sitting near me at the edge of a couch, giving her a wave. She nodded at him and grinned.
"You did this, didn't you?" I whispered quietly to Dave.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he answered, grinning. I rolled my eyes.
Honestly, I was in a pretty good place at the moment. I had seen a doctor for my stomach and they were trying to figure out what was going on with me.
I hadn't used in two weeks. It wasn't easy. It was much harder than I thought it would have been. But I was pushing myself really hard not to be that person. I couldn't handle the constant self-loathing.
And now here was Liz. I got a closer look at her. She looked well enough, but tired. I knew I had probably worried her. I hadn't taken her calls. I needed to stay away from her. She should have been furious with me. I would have been. And yet she had come here, obviously knowing it was where I'd be. As I watched her, I kept nervously hoping she'd come and talk to me.
I'd seen her glance in my direction a few times but she was mostly ignoring me. I didn't know if I could be the one to speak first. I was a damn coward.
But, as it turned out, I wasn't going to have to talk first.
"Hi Kurt." Liz was standing right in front of me.
"Hi," I managed, not meeting her eyes.
"Do you, um,  think we could talk?" She asked.
"Uh... sure," I answered, sounding dumbfounded.
"You guys can step back there to the guest bedroom if you want to talk in private." Dave gestured to a hallway beside the couch where we could see a bedroom on the other side.
"Thanks, Dave," said Liz, motioning for me to come along. I stood and followed. We walked in and Liz pushed the door shut behind us.
We looked at one another.
She cut me off by kissing me, grabbing my face and not letting go. I froze in shock for a second, but my God did I want to kiss her. I pulled her close in my arms and rested my own hands on her face too.
"I love you, Kurt," she gasped.
"I love you too," I replied. She started kissing my neck, letting her hands wander down over my chest and abdomen.
"Fuck, Liz," I breathed.
"We have to stay quiet," she warned. I could hardly believe what was happening as she found my belt buckle and undid it. I ran my hand down over the side of her sweater dress and up her thigh. I had missed her so much. She was so beautiful.
She kept kissing me as we started undressing.
"We'd better hurry," she said, smirking. I lifted her up and pressed her against the wall as she wrapped her legs around me.
She felt so good, it was nearly impossible to stay quiet. Somehow we both mostly managed.
When we finished, I stared into her eyes as we both grinned, catching our breath.
"Should we talk now?" I laughed quietly, as we quickly got our clothes back on.
"I missed you, Kurt," Liz said softly. "I've been so worried. I saw you and I couldn't help it." Her face blushed red. It was very cute.
"It's okay sweetheart. Believe me, I am not complaining." Liz wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug
"You look good, Kurt."
"I've gone two weeks without using. I want to be done with that stuff, Liz. I hate the person it makes me into."
"I'm proud of you," Liz answered.  "Should we get back out there, do you think?"
"You know they're all going to realize what we did, right?" I asked. Liz's face flushed even more red.
"Yeah," she answered quietly.
"Don't worry about it, sweetheart," I kissed her forehead. "I would tell the whole world if I could." Liz blanched at that statement. "You know I'd never do that without your permission," I added.
"I just can't... yet. Kurt."
"I know, Liz. I know. It's okay. Let's get back out here." We re-emerged from the room and headed back to the living room. Dave was smirking at us. I flicked him off. But he looked happy to see Liz and I together.
We sat together on the couch comfortably, holding hands. It felt like there was so much unresolved between us that we hadn't addressed. But the big thing was that I had stopped using. And if I could keep that up, then maybe I deserved to have her back in my life again. Maybe we could make this work after all.

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