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A/N:  this chapter contains graphic sexual scenes.  If you don't like that sort of thing you can skip this chapter and it won't have any effect on the plot.  If you do like this sort of thing, then enjoy.

Kurt's POV

On the other side of our hotel room door, Liz was even more eager than I was.  I loved this sweet, carefree side of her that I'd rarely seen in so long.  She kicked off her high-heeled sandals and chucked them across the room so hard that they hit the wall. 

"Oops." she giggled. 

"A slight bit overly eager there, Elizabeth?" I asked, winking at her as I grinned. 

"Always," she answered, throwing her arms around my neck and beaming at me with a positively radiant smile.  I lifted her off the ground and spun her around in a circle.  "Kurt!" she shouted, giggling. 

"Yes, sweetheart?" I answered, placing her back on the ground and leaning so close to her that our lips were nearly touching.  She closed the gap between us without hesitation.  I kissed her slowly, not wanting to rush things too much.  I needed to preserve this night perfectly in my memory forever.  As we kissed, I attempted to find the zipper to her awful dress to free her from it.

"What is going on with this ridiculous dress?" I chuckled, as Liz struggled, trying to help me.  It was so cute how frustrated she was getting. 

"Just rip the evil thing!" she exclaimed.  I laughed again at her impatience. 

"I promise we're in no hurry," I assured her. "Relax and turn around, love."  She huffed in annoyance as she had to stop kissing me to turn around.  Smirking, I brushed all of her long, loose hair to the side over one of her shoulders. 

As I worked with the zipper, I purposely took my time while leaning forward so that I was breathing right against the base of her neck.  She drew in shaky breaths in anticipation.  Fuck, was she ever beautiful.  I put my lips right against her neck and sucked hard on her skin as I finally released the zipper all the way down her back.

"Kurt!" she gasped in surprise.  I kept sucking at the same spot on her neck as I slid the dress down over her body until it fell to the floor.  Then I kissed farther out her shoulder blade so softly and lightly that she giggled because it tickled her.  I ran my hands down over her chest and stomach, brushing her with just my fingertips, while I kissed her upper back softly.  I made quick work of unfastening her strapless bra, letting it fall to the ground, as I placed the palms of both of my hands over her breasts in its place.  Sighing softly, she tilted her head to the side so that I could kiss her neck again. 

"Turn around, beautiful," I breathed into her ear finally, nipping at her earlobe gently with my teeth.   She spun around and I was momentarily frozen in awe over how stunningly gorgeous she was.  She would never stop taking my breath away.

"Kurt!" she giggled shyly as I admired her, taking the opportunity to pull my shirt over my head.  I helped her and tossed it away before kissing her again, loving the feeling of our bare skin pressed together.  

"Lie down, Liz," I whispered to her softly, kicking off my own shoes and stripping down to my boxers. 

"You first, Kurt," she insisted, catching me off guard as she pushed me backwards onto the bed, following after me, looking pleased with herself. I forced myself to relax as she took over, kissing my neck while her hands wandered downward.  I moaned as she brushed over me while sliding my boxers down, knowing she'd already be able to tell how badly I wanted her.

I was usually shy about letting her take charge like this, embarrassed for her to know all the insecurities I felt about my own body, but she was suddenly so happy and carefree tonight. I would never ruin that for her, so I was letting her have whatever she wanted.

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