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Kurt's POV

"I'm going to go see Dave for a bit," I told Courtney, who had just put Frances down for a nap.
"Okay," she answered in the annoyed tone of hers I'd come to know too often lately.
"What's wrong, babe?" I asked, brushing a hand through her blonde hair.
"Nothing. I'll just be here, I guess." I could tell she was annoyed.
"There are lots of people with us who can watch Frances if you want to get out for a while," I offered. "Do you want me to find someone?"
"No. It's fine." Courtney remained seated on the bed.
"Okay, I'll be back later then." I got so annoyed sometimes when Courtney wouldn't just say what she wanted.
Dave's room was the next floor up from mine, so I quickly headed for the elevator, hoping not to get noticed on the short walk. I pressed the up button.
A moment later, the doors slid open, revealing a single occupant, with wavy, light brown hair and hazel eyes I would know anywhere.
"Kurt?" Liz asked, her eyes wide. I froze a moment before stepping onto the elevator. She looked even more beautiful than I remembered, dressed in a gray business suit, her hair loose around her face.
"Uh, hi Liz," I answered, my heart suddenly racing. "So... why...uh, why are you here?"
"For work," she answered, studying me intently. The elevator came to its stop on the next floor.
"This is me," she said.
"Me too," I answered.
"Oh, okay." We soon realized we were walking in the same direction.
"We're here for SNL," I told her, trying to make conversation.
"That sounds good," she answered. I couldn't get a good read on her. She wasn't being cold. It was like she was refusing to even acknowledge me at all.
She stopped at the room right next to Dave's.
"Hey, maybe we can talk later or something?" I asked, pausing by her. She looked directly into my eyes for the first time since I had seen her.
"Umm, okay. Maybe," she answered slowly.
"Okay. Is it alright if I stop by your room in a little bit?" I asked. "Dave is staying right here." I pointed to the next door over.
"Yeah. Yeah, sure, that's fine." Liz answered quickly. "I'll see you later." She hurriedly slipped inside her room.
I knocked on Dave's door.
"What's up man?" He swung the door open. "You okay, Kurt?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I stepped inside. Krist, Shelli and a bunch of people who were here along with us were partying in Dave's room.
"Man, you don't look fine," Dave answered, offering me a beer. "Where's Courtney?"
"She's back with Frances. And you'll never guess who I just ran into."
"Liz." I took a long sip of beer.
"Liz. Here? Is she stalking you or something?"
"What? No. She's here for her job. She works for like a travel magazine or something like that."
"So, you're staying away from her, right?"
"What? Why?"
"God, Kurt. You know how it always is with her. Your married and have a kid now. As much as Courtney isn't my favorite sometimes, she deserves better than that."
"Of course she does," I answered. "I'm not going to do anything wrong."
"But you're still going to see her?"
"We might catch up, yeah. It's been like a year and a half, Dave. She might be married to for all I know."
"Just be careful, man. And that's all I'm going to say."
I meandered around Dave's room, making small talk with a few people while I finished off my beer. I didn't want to run off too quickly, but I was itching to use and badly wanting to talk to Liz.
Normally I wouldn't shoot up in one of the other guys' bathrooms, but I made an exception because I didn't want to go back to my own room and then leave again. I made sure to leave no evidence behind.
When I was feeling much better, I slipped out of the door to Dave's room and walked over to Liz's door. I knocked quietly.
A moment later, the door swung open and Liz motioned for me to come inside quickly.
She had changed into a giant t-shirt, pajama pants and slippers. A pair of reading glasses were perched on her nose and her hair was pulled back messily into a ponytail. She looked absolutely adorable. Behind her, the table of her room was strewn with pieces of notebook paper and pens.
"Hi," I said gently.
"Hey," she answered.
"Did I interrupt you working?" I asked.
"No. I needed a break anyway," Liz answered, pulling off her glasses and sitting them on the table. We stared at one another intently.
"It's really good to see you again," I said cautiously.
"It's good to see you too," she replied.
"I can't believe how we always run into one another like this," I commented.
"It's a little uncanny," she answered. "Have a seat." She offered the edge of her bed, which wasn't covered with work supplies. I sat.
"So... your new album is good," she said, trying to make conversation.
"Thanks," I replied.
"And your daughter. She's adorable."
"Thanks. She is great," I answered.
"It must be exciting, to be on SNL," Liz continued. I started to see that all she was going to do was make small talk. But I wasn't here for that.
"It is," I answered, slowly standing and taking a step towards her.
"I don't want to do this, Liz," I told her honestly, stepping forward again.
"Do what?" she asked.
"This small talk shit," I replied, stepping even closer so that I was standing directly in front of her.
"Okay. Then what—what do you want to do?" Her eyes met mine.
"This." I took the last step forward, wrapping her in my arms and leaning down to kiss her. She leaned towards me, our lips crashing into one another's.
Electricity shot through me. I was alive again. I was home.

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