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"Are you hungry?" Kurt asked when we got back to his apartment.  I was shocked that he'd actually have food in his fridge. 

"No," I answered.  My stomach was still queasy from what I'd just done. 

"Do you need some more sleep?" he asked. 

"We could lie down," I said, knowing that I couldn't sleep anymore, but wanting an excuse to snuggle up with him. 

"Absolutely," Kurt answered, giving me a dazzling real smile.  I grinned back at him.  Maybe this was completely wrong, but being with him made me so happy. 

I made my way over to his bed and changed into the t-shirt he'd given me to sleep in before climbing under the covers.  I noticed that Kurt had stripped down to nothing but his boxers, and when he crawled in bed, I immediately snuggled against his bare chest, hearing his heart beat and knowing I could never imagine a life without him. 

We stayed that way for a while, neither of us speaking.  We were both just content to be in each other's presence. 

"I love you so much, Kurt," I said finally.

"I don't think anyone could possibly love someone more than I love you," Kurt answered, pulling me even closer.  "This all just feels like a dream that I'm going to wake up from.  I can't believe you're really here."

"It's not a dream, I promise," I answered, playfully pinching his arm.  "See, you're awake."  He laughed. 

"I just wish you weren't leaving," he said, turning to look into my eyes.  I felt incredibly guilty. 

"I'm here right now," I offered, putting my hands on his face and pulling him closer so I could kiss him.  I was immediately filled with warmth and comfort as we kissed, desperately, like we would never get enough of one another. 

"Kurt," I breathed heavily, staring into his infinite blue eyes.  He just gazed at me, a perfect grin stretched across his face.  In that moment, he was everything to me.  Nothing existed except me and him. 

I pulled him closer and started kissing his neck. 

"Oh, God, Liz," he sighed.  I could tell he was hesitant, but I was persistent.  I needed him.  Finally I felt him relax into letting me kiss him as I kissed him across his face and back to his lips again.  He ran his hands over me and every touch was electricity.  He pulled off the shirt I was wearing and tossed it across the room, both of us desperately eager. 

He pressed kisses all over my skin, and each spot seared with his touch.  It wasn't like last night at the hotel when we'd had to hurry.  We knew we were truly alone now.  I wound my fingers into his soft blond hair as he kissed repeatedly all over my neck and chest and stomach.  He was driving me crazy. 

I eventually guided him back towards my lips he kissed me gently before resting his forehead against mine and staring into my eyes, both of us breathing heavily. 

"I need you, Kurt."  It was a desperate plea.  He ran his hand down over my stomach and started touching me with his calloused finger.  I cried out.  He kept his eyes locked in mine as he touched me like he still had my body memorized.  It wasn't long before I was becoming completely undone in his arms, his name escaping my lips over and over.

"God, you're beautiful, Elizabeth," he breathed when I was finished, smirking as he started touching me again, knowing that he was absolutely irresistible to me. 

"I love watching you while I do that," he whispered softly to me when I finished again, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. 

"You make me feel so good," I said softly back to him before pulling him closer so he'd kiss me again. 

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