Final Author's Note

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It's hard to believe that I've finally reached the end of this story. It's been over two years and countless hours of work, but I've had a lot of fun writing it. To all of you who have stuck with it and kept reading, thank you so much. I truly hope that you enjoyed it.
I want to give a special thank you to @damnthatJunkie For all your support and encouragement, and for being a great friend along the way. I probably couldn't have finished this without you.
This story was entirely a work of fiction and it's always a little strange to write about real people. I tried to approach this with respect, and I don't mean to say or imply anything negative about anyone, dead or living.
In conclusion, if you've read this whole massive thing, I would love to know what you think. If you could please take a moment or two to leave a comment, I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much. You guys are awesome.

Additionally, I was inspired by a lot of music to write various parts of this story. If you are interested, I put together a playlist of songs that helped me write. You can find it here:

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