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There is a place where ends finally meet
Floating up on Cloud Nine baby
There is a place where lost souls always greet
Floating up on Cloud Nine baby.
[Cloud Nine- Distorted Penguins]

Kurt and I got our own apartment! I could hardly believe it was true, but we did it! I had gotten a job at Kathy's Kitchen, where Kurt and I had shared our first breakfast together. Kathy and her husband were terribly sweet. I was now the main waitress during the shifts I worked because it was getting too difficult for Kathy to do it all by herself since she was getting older. The crowd was mostly regulars and I really enjoyed it.

Kurt found a job, too. The motel where I'd stayed when I first came to Aberdeen was looking for someone to help out with housekeeping and laundry. It wasn't Kurt's favorite, but he was doing well so far. Plus, we both mostly worked mornings (Kathy's was most popular for breakfast), so we still got to spend a lot of time together.

Even more importantly for Kurt, the band was finally practicing! He had been in high spirits most of the time, which made me so happy for him. I still hadn't been to a practice. He wanted to have a few songs just right before I heard them. It was so adorable how nervous he was for me to hear them. The night when he sang the Beatles' song to me under the bridge was still the only time I'd heard him sing. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to hear more.

Today, though, was moving day. Our new apartment was a little place in an attic above a garage. Kathy's husband, Stan, knew the owner and had put in a good recommendation for us. It was a cute space, with an open kitchen and living room area, a single bedroom, a single bath, and a small deck. It was a little worn and dated, but it would suit us perfectly. And we could afford it.

"Kurt, I can't believe it!" I exclaimed, bouncing up and down as we gathered our things from Krist's basement. He glanced up at me from a box and grinned.

"Someone's had her coffee this morning."

"Well, of course. But this is also one of the best days of my life!"

"Mine too, sweetheart," he answered, standing up to embrace me as I threw my arms around him. I looked into his bright blue eyes. God, he was all I wanted. Forever. I pulled him close to me for a long, meaningful kiss.

"You make me happier than I've ever been, Kurt." I saw a faint blush spread across his cheeks.

"And you, Elizabeth, make me feel alive inside," he answered. "My sunshine." He gave me a quick kiss again. "Now let's get this stuff packed so we can get to OUR apartment, okay?" I grinned in response.

It didn't take long to get our belongings packed and loaded into the small U-Haul we had rented. Krist and Shelli gave us a hand with carrying things out of the basement. Finally, we were all loaded up and ready to go.

"We're going to miss you guys," said Shelli, giving us both a big hug as we stood in front of the house.

"We'll miss you too," I answered. "We'll visit all the time."

"I sure hope so. It will be lonely with just Krist and Aaron."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for you," I joked. "We'll make sure you get to have some decent company from time to time." Shelli grinned. "Plus, if it gets too bad, you know where to find us." Shelli and I had become pretty decent friends over the past month or so. She was no substitute for Lisa, but it was nice having a female friend nearby.

"You guys are welcome here anytime, for as long as you need," said Krist, ever the generous one.

"Thanks, man," said Kurt, giving his best friend a hug. I followed.

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