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Author's Note: Thank you to those of you who have been reading my story. I know it's long, and there's still a significant portion to go. I'm trying to update daily, and honestly perhaps even more often in order to get finished writing it. I'm going to be starting back to work in the next week or two and won't have nearly as much time to write. I'm still going to try for daily updates, but I may miss days here and there. Just know that I'm not giving up on this story. I have made it this far and I will finish. I also don't want to rush through it just to get to the end. I'm going to do my best to do justice to my original idea. It may take a bit longer once I'm working but I think it will be worth it. Thanks again for reading!
Liz's POV

I hurriedly got checked into my hotel room, heart racing. I was here, in Paris, in the same building as Kurt.
I didn't bother with my luggage, I just picked up the phone and dialed.
"Hello?" Kurt answered.
"Guess where I am," I answered, grinning.
"You're here?" He exclaimed happily.
"What room number?" He asked and I told him.
"Okay, just give me a minute," he answered and promptly hung up the phone.
A moment later there was a knock at the door and I bolted over to open it.
Kurt was here. I was in his arms. I didn't care that he was looking haggard and unshaven, and like he'd probably lost more weight. I just cared about being here with him.
He pushed the door shut behind him as he kissed me. We hadn't even spoken a single word, but we didn't need to.
I started pulling off the layers of clothing he was dressed in and I felt him smirk as he kept kissing me. He pulled off the sweatshirt I was wearing, then my t-shirt. I took the last of his shirts off, admiring his smooth skin. We both ran our hands over one another as we kept kissing. Kurt gently unhooked my bra and I let it slide off. He pulled me very close to him, holding me so that our bare skin was pressed together.
He moved his hands to either side of my face, staring at me with intense blue eyes that were revealing his whole soul to me—love and so much pain.
"I love you more than anything, Liz," he said softly to me.
"I love you, Kurt," I barely had the chance to respond before he started kissing me again. The rest of our clothing quickly came off and Kurt was on top of me on the bed, staring at me with those piercing eyes again. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.
"I need you, Elizabeth."
"Please, Kurt?" I answered, needing him every bit as much as he did me. He slid inside of me and I was instantly drawn into the euphoric feeling of being with him. It was like every ounce of our souls were connecting—not just our bodies. It didn't take long before the intensity became too much and we both came undone in each other's arms.
Kurt held me very close to him and I didn't want to let go. We didn't even speak for a long time. We just enjoyed finally being together after being apart for so long. I hated being away from him.
"I'm a horrible person, Liz," Kurt whispered to me finally.
"No. No, you aren't," I answered.
"Liz, I started seeing her, and I shouldn't have. And I hate myself for it." Kurt looked so impossibly pained.
"Listen, Kurt," I answered, even though my heart was shattering. "I don't want you to have to be alone. I know how hard it is, and I even have Craig. I can't fault you for wanting someone to be with."
"But the someone I want to be with is you," Kurt answered.
"Someday," I replied.
"Liz, it's been so awful here," Kurt continued. "Without you I don't know how I would have made it through."
"You would have. You're strong Kurt."
"No. I'm not." Kurt lifted up his arm so that I could see the inside of it where there were a bunch of visible injection marks.
"Oh Kurt!" My heart was breaking in my chest. Tears found their way to my eyes before I could stop them.
"It's fine. You can go back home. I should have told you before you ever came. I'm just a selfish asshole." I cried even harder and wrapped my arms around Kurt.
"I won't leave," I answered. "I'm going to be right here helping you. Kurt, I need you to be here. I need you to not do this stuff."
"I know, Liz. I hate myself. I need to quit."
"I'm here to help you sweetheart," I assured him.
"You promise?" He asked softly.
"Always," I answered. Kurt rested on his back and I rested myself against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.
"Do you have anything going on today?" I asked him.
"Not for a few hours," he answered.
"Stay and nap with me?" I asked.
"Of course. If you want me here."
"You know I want you here," I answered gently.   Kurt seemed so tired. I watched him as he fell into a gentle slumber.
His track marks broke my heart. I was so afraid for him. I shouldn't have been surprised. I knew all this touring was really difficult for him. And I should have been here, I chastised myself. If I had been here, somehow, then none of these things would have happened. But they had. And now we had to find a way through.
I eventually dozed off too. We awoke to loud pounding on the door.
"Fuck!" Kurt exclaimed, leaping awake. I sat up.
"Kurt!" I heard Dave's voice.
"Shit! I'm late!" Kurt jumped up and started dressing. He gave me a very quick kiss goodbye before bolting for the door.
He was barely gone when I noticed his wallet sitting on the nightstand.
I threw on my sweatshirt and sweatpants I had been wearing and bolted out the door to try to catch him.
"Kurt!" I shouted down the hall as I looked and my face fell.
Dave and Kurt were halfway down the hallway, and at the far end was Courtney. They were all staring at me.
My jaw dropped. I was speechless. Kurt slowly walked over to me.
"Your wallet," I said, barely above a whisper.
"Thank you," Kurt answered, taking it from me and making sure to brush my hand when he did. "I love you," he mouthed to me. I gave a quick nod.
Courtney and Dave just stared, wide-eyed, as I walked back into my room, red-faced with embarrassment.
I sat in the room and started shaking. I surely had done something wrong. I had fucked up everything. Courtney had seen me and there was no explanation for why I was here or why Kurt was in my room. I was so fucked.

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