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Summer, 2019

Liz's POV

It's been just over 23 years of marriage for me and Kurt. To say that it's all been perfect would be an exaggeration—no marriage ever is. But I can say that I have fallen more in love with him every single day. Now, we are older, wrinkles and laugh lines on our faces. We've endured both a lifetime of pain and a lifetime of happiness. And I know we still have many years left to go together. After suffering so much loss early on in my life, I had finally saved the one I truly belonged with—my soulmate.
We'd had two beautiful children together—two boys. Our oldest, Dylan Christopher, who had just turned twenty-two, was a fantastic visual artist. He had even collaborated with his older sister on an exhibit that had been shown at exhibits worldwide. He and is partner were currently in the process of adopting their first child, meaning Kurt and I would soon be grandparents!
Our youngest, Jonathan David, was nineteen this year and he was the musician of the family. I saw so much of his father in him. He had an astounding amount of talent and had just recently started a band with some friends of his. I was excited to see where it led, but I would be sure to protect him if they gained any attention.
Kurt had finally gotten back into music in the last few years. We had recorded one song together for charity. We decided it was cheesy and we'd never do it again, but we had had fun. Nirvana had done a single reunion performance last year. Kurt, Dave and Krist had a blast doing it and tickets sold out within seconds of going on sale.
They were planning a bigger tour for this upcoming fall. Of course I would keep a close eye on Kurt as he ventured out into that world again, but he seemed to be nothing but excited about it.
He had also started quietly doing some work as a solo artist. It hadn't been announced yet, but if all went according to plan, he'd be releasing an album sometime next year.
As for Frances, she stayed close with us, and was especially attached to her father. They still got together every single week for lunch or to hang out and play music together. They were going to have a duet on Kurt's new album.
I had been blessed enough to be able to stay home and raise my children while they were young, spending my free time writing, like I had always dreamt of. To date, I had published three novels. My current work was on an autobiography of me and Kurt's life that I would be moving to publish soon, so that everyone would know our story in our own words.
I was luckier than most people ever got to be. And I would forever be grateful for all of it. Most of all for that sweet, kind boy who had found me on a park bench in Aberdeen, Washington all those years ago, and changed my life forever.
Our love had endured everything. Even when it had turned into something dark and toxic, we had turned it around, back into what it once was.  Because true love like that is forever. And Kurt and I will be together for eternity, I am sure of it.

~The End~

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