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Liz's POV

Monday afternoon had finally arrived. I found myself grinning as I drove my car across town to a different little run-down motel than last time. I knew Kurt and I had to be careful not to be recognized. The thought of it made me so nervous.
I drove along the building until I saw room 108, where Kurt said we'd be staying.
I pulled in the parking space in front and cut the engine. I took a quick glance in the mirror, running my hand over my hair, before I hopped out of the car and grabbed my overnight bag from the back.
I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I waited a moment and knocked again. No answer. I tried the doorknob but it was locked. That was strange. I knew I had the right motel. I wondered if Kurt was late for some reason. I thought about going into the office to ask about the reservation, but I had no idea what name Kurt had used.
I figured I'd go up anyway and see what I could find out. Maybe they at least had a phone I could use.
"Hello," I said to the middle-aged man working at the small counter. "Umm, I was wondering about a reservation for room 108..."
"Yes," the man answered. "There was a gentleman who called earlier and said he'd be running late. He has already paid and you're welcome to check in."
"Great. Thank you," I replied. The man turned to the wall behind him and selected a key ring.
"Here's your key. We have coffee available in the morning here in the office, and check out is at noon."
"Perfect. Thank you."
"Enjoy your stay."
I left the office and headed back to the room. I placed my bag on a small table inside and sat down on the king-sized bed, feeling very alone. It was weird for Kurt not to be here. I knew he was really busy these days though.
I had a number jotted down to reach him. I wondered if I should call. I decided I would.
I picked up the phone and carefully dialed. It rang and rang, but no one picked up. I sighed and put down the phone on the receiver.
I switched on the TV and watched, mindlessly, as I waited. I couldn't concentrate. This just didn't seem like Kurt. Something didn't feel right.

Kurt's POV

Unbeknownst to me, Krist and Dave had volunteered us on our day off to help out some of our friends with a gig they had Monday night. I was annoyed because I had plans with Liz, but I also couldn't bail out. It had been a long time since we'd helped any local bands and it was important to me. I'd just try to get out as early as I could.
It was good to catch up with some of my old friends. We spent more time shooting the shit than getting much done for a while. Buzz from the Melvins was there and none of us had seen him in a while, so we chatted for a long time. Sometime along the way, someone broke out some liquor, and before I knew it, there was a drink in my hand, then another.
One of the bands that was performing tonight was Hole. They were really good. I would have liked to get to see them perform. But Liz. I was supposed to be with her. My brain started to register how buzzed I was.
"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, deciding I probably shouldn't drive just yet. I stepped away from everyone to take a moment to gather my thoughts. Why had I been drinking?
"Hey, you alright, Kurt?" I turned to see Courtney, Hole's lead singer, standing behind me.
"Yeah, I'm good. What's up?" I forced a smile. She flashed me a grin. She was a beautiful woman with bright blue eyes and white blonde hair. She'd always been nice to me when I ran into her and I admired her musical talent.
"I haven't seen you around in a while," she said, stepping closer to me.
"I've been a little busy," I answered, slightly sarcastically.
"I've noticed," she answered. "You guys should be proud of your album. It really kicks ass."
"Thanks," I answered. "You guys sound pretty good lately too."
"You sticking around tonight?" She asked tossing some random pieces of paper down onto the table I was leaning against.
"I'll try to catch a few songs," I answered.
"Great," she replied, with that infectious smile again. I found myself smiling back at her. I'd had way too much to drink, I was realizing. What was I doing? "Anyway, Kurt, do you think you could check the guitar part for the intro to one of our songs? I was wondering if you might have any ideas on how to make it sound better."
"Of course," I answered, always eager to help other musicians with their craft. I found myself staying with Courtney until right before the show started. She was funny and easy to talk to. She knew what she was doing with her music too. I gave her a few ideas about lyrics and switching up some chords in a few songs. But it was obvious that she didn't really need my help. She had talent. I hoped her band would keep gaining recognition.
Hole was the second band performing, and I wanted to stick around for a song or two. I checked the time. It was already eight-o-clock. I hated that I was cutting into time I should have been spending with Liz. My fuzzy brain wondered if she would be upset. I grabbed myself another drink and soon wasn't worried anymore. I would have called but I didn't know where any phones were.
I soon got caught up in the music and my friends. It was just like the old days that I missed so much. Hole sounded great. Courtney was killing it. Before I knew it, their whole set was over. When I realized, I panicked.
"I have to go!" I exclaimed to Krist.
"What's going on, man?" He asked.
"I was supposed to see Liz today. I'm really late."
"Oh shit. You better go. You okay to drive?"
"I think so," I answered. I knew I was still kind of drunk, but I needed to get to Liz as soon as I could. "Catch you later, dude," I said to Krist as I slipped out of a side door and headed to my car.
As I climbed in and prepared to drive, I began to worry that I had done something really wrong. I should have been with Liz. I was an idiot.

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