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Elizabeth's POV

"So, this tour thing they're doing... are they playing any shows near you in Seattle?" I asked Shelli over the phone as I stared at an old polaroid of me and Kurt that I'd dug out of shoebox of keepsakes.

"Yeah, there are a couple places near here where they'll be playing.  I can't believe you really are going to come back!"  I could hear the excitement in her voice.  I missed them all so much.  I wished I could just run away and stay there for good.  But I had responsibilities--or at least one responsibility-- to graduate college. 

"If there are any weekend shows, that would be perfect," I said, thinking of my hectic school schedule. 

"This coming weekend they are playing Friday and Saturday night here in Seattle.  Do you think you could come that soon?"  Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I thought of being there in just a few short days. 

"I'm sure as hell going to try," I answered.  When Kurt had talked about touring, it got me thinking about how I hadn't watched him perform in such a long time.  He'd given me a copy of Bleach and I had listened to it more times than I would ever be willing to admit to him.  But I wanted to see him on stage.  "Listen Shelli.  Whatever you do, you cannot let Kurt know I'm coming.  I want it to be a total surprise."

"Okay, Liz.  I promise I won't tell him anything."

"Seriously, Shelli.  You can't tell Krist either. Or Dave.  Those two tell Kurt everything. They could never keep their mouths shut."  Shelli laughed on the other end of the line.

"Don't worry, girl.  I got you.  I know those two clowns wouldn't be able to keep a fucking secret.  They'd get a couple drinks in them and blab about the whole thing.  I love Krist, but he is the worst at knowing when to shut up." 

"I'm guessing they're not around now?" I asked. 

"They're practicing.  Kurt's been acting like a drill sergeant the past two days, making them practice constantly." 

"He can definitely be a perfectionist."  I smiled at the thought of Kurt working so hard with his band. 

"Yeah, he can," Shelli agreed.  "He's been weird and moody lately too.  I mean, he's always been weird and moody, but this is different.  Like Monday night he was over here and just kind of walked out like he wanted nothing to do with us.  He just seemed like he had this immense dark cloud around him."

"Fuck, it's probably all because of me," I worried.

"I don't think it's all you, Liz.  But I think him getting to see you would really help.  He's seemed a lot better since that night though, honestly.  Even if he is driving Krist and Dave crazy."

"Well I'm glad he seems better.  I can't wait to see him.  And all of you guys. I gotta see about getting a plane ticket like right now."

"I should get you tickets to the shows, too," Shelli added.  "They've been drawing pretty big crowds and I'm thinking they might sell out."

"Wow, Kurt didn't tell me that."

"I think they're seriously about to break through with something big, Liz."

"I've always thought they had the talent.  And they have a different sound.  It's hard to put into words, but they're just amazing."

"They sure are. And just wait until you hear them with Dave. He's got insane drumming skills. And he's nice enough that I don't mind him coming around and smoking all our weed most nights." She laughed.

"Dave seems like such a good guy. I definitely liked him."

"He is. We're so lucky to know such talented men."

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