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And she comes to take me away
She's all that I needed
I don't breathe another lover, no
Flicker on a TV screen
Everything's more than it seems
The mighty backward fall
We stare at the light on the wall

["Alien" Bush]

Kurt's POV

I don't know how I played the second half of that show, other than that being able to watch her eyes the whole time soothed me.  All I wanted as soon as I saw her there was to throw down my guitar and leave with her.  But I got through it.  Shelli, bless her soul, talked Krist and Dave into packing up all the equipment without me so I could get out of there as quickly as possible. 

They were all throwing a party tonight, but the only place I was going was back to my apartment with Liz.  We were both so excited and full of adrenaline that we could barely stop kissing in the parking lot, and then again in the car. It was a struggle getting to the point where I was able to drive. 

Thankfully, the drive was short, because the only thing that kept me from her was the fear that I'd wreck the car. 

"You have no idea what it means to me that you're here," I told her.  I still couldn't believe that she'd managed to come up without telling me. 

"It was all worth it to see the look on your face when you noticed me in the crowd, Kurt."  I could see from the corner of my eye that she was grinning.

"Trying to give me a heart attack from center stage, " I joked.  "Seriously, though, this is the best surprise anyone has ever given me." 

"It was so hard for me not to tell you," she admitted.  "I wanted to so badly, but I knew it would be worth it if I didn't."

"This could be the best night of my entire life," I told her. "Well, besides the night I met you."

"Me too, Kurt," she answered. "Except today I look better than a crying drowned rat." She gave a low chuckle and I know her mind was on the worst parts of her past.

"Liz, you were so beautiful then. Believe me. And I don't have words for how stunning you look today." I glanced over to see her smiling, but she didn't say anything. I wished she'd believe me. If words wouldn't work, there were plenty of other ways I wanted to express my love to her.

When I parked the car and we both got out, she raced over and threw her arms around me and started kissing me again, not holding back at all as she tangled her hands in my hair. I leaned her back against the car, pressing against her.

"Kurt," she gasped, as I started to kiss her neck. She wasn't used to me being so forward, but right now I needed her more than anything.

"Let's get inside. Now," I whispered softly into her ear. Pulling away from her, I grabbed her hand and we raced up the stairs to my door. She kept trying to kiss me as I fumbled for the key and finally got the door open.

She pulled me through the door and I kicked it shut behind us. She had her hands in my hair again, kissing me like her life depended on it, and I was just as eager. She started pulling at the hem of my sweater and I helped her pull it over my head along with my t-shirt.

"You're so perfect, Kurt," she breathed softly as she ran her hands down over my chest and stomach.

"Far from it," I answered, before I started kissing her neck again and reaching for the zipper of her dress. She helped me and it soon fell to the floor. She kicked it aside and pulled me close to her again, kissing my neck and nipping at me with her teeth.

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