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I know a place that's safe and warm from the crowd
Into your arms, whoa, into your arms I can go
And if I should fall
I know I won't be alone
Be alone anymore

["Into Your Arms" The Lemonheads]

We were nearly back at the house where we'd slept last night, my belongings in tow.  Kurt had explained to me that it was his friend Chris's house.  He said Chris's girlfriend, Shelli, usually stayed there too, but sometimes they had problems and she stayed with other friends.  Their friend Aaron lived in the other bedroom and apparently went through girlfriends quite quickly. 

"They're all a little older than me," Kurt explained, answering my question of how they already had their own house. 

"How old are you, anyway?" I asked something I'd been wondering since I'd met him. 

"I'm twenty.  Just turned twenty in February.  And you said you're eighteen, right?"

"Yep.  Thank God." 

"It's great to at least be able to pretend you're free, isn't it?" he asked, puffing on what had to be like his twentieth cigarette of the day. 

"Yeah, for sure." 

"You're quieter than usual.  Are you nervous about meeting my friends?"  he asked. 

"I am, a little," I admitted.  "I mean, I'm a stranger crashing at their house.  I can give them some money," I added quickly.  Kurt shook his head and took another deep drag from his cigarette. 

"They won't take it," he said, exhaling.  "They're totally used to this sort of thing.  People do it all the time."  I raised an eyebrow. 

"You're the first girl I've ever brought there," he said.  "I pretty much keep to myself about ninety-nine percent of the time, so if anything, they're going to be excited.  They'll probably tease me and give me some shit about it.  They're good people."   

I forced a smile, but my heart hammered in my chest.  Were these people going to think Kurt and I were a couple?  Did I have to pretend that we were to stay there?  I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I looked over at Kurt walking next to me. 

"Hey, it's going to be alright.  I promise."  He smiled at me, his blue eyes shining.  I felt a little better inside as we finished our walk.

"Well, here we are," said Kurt, as we walked up the short path to the front door of the small house.  He opened the door, revealing the same living room where I'd slept last night.  Kurt immediately tossed my stuff on the ground and I followed him inside and followed suit. 

"Hey man," Kurt greeted a guy that I now realized was sitting alone on one of the couches.  He had dark messy hair and a boyish face. 

"Sup, Kurt?"  He replied. 

"Not much.  This is my friend, Liz.  She needs a place to crash for a while." 

"Hi Liz.  It's nice to meet you.  I'm Chris."  He smiled, and stood to shake my hand.  He was tall--like crazy tall.  I shook his hand and smiled. 

"It's very nice to meet you too." 

"Well, you're welcome here for as long as you need," he said kindly.  He seemed genuinely very nice, and I got a good feeling about him. 

"Thank you, so much," I said. 

"It's nothing, really." 

"She already slept here last night," Kurt said.  "Not that any of your stoned asses knew any better.  Passed out at 10:30!"   Chris laughed.

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