Put on a Show

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A/N: This was a difficult chapter to write because I have a difficult time using words to describe how Kurt's band sounds. I tried my best so hopefully I did okay. Also, the second half of this chapter is pretty graphic—just a warning. Hope you guys enjoy reading!

Would you believe me when I tell you
You're the queen of my heart
Please don't deceive me when I hurt you
Just ain't the way it seems
Can you feel my love buzz?
[Love Buzz -Nirvana]

As we drove to Krist's, I could feel the nervous energy radiating off of Kurt.  But there was also an air of excitement.  For the first time I was going to see Kurt perform with his band.  I had been longing for this for a long time and I couldn't wait!

"Liz!" I heard Shelli shout, as she ran to give me a hug.  "I missed you, girlie!"

"Missed you too!"  I grinned. 

"You ready to hear our men play for their biggest fans?" she asked, giggling.

"Sure am!" I said loudly, to make sure Kurt me, as he and Krist unloaded his equipment from the car.  I gave Kurt a reassuring smile as he passed by and he winked at me. 

"It'll take them a little while to set up.  You want to smoke a joint?  Or grab a beer?" 

"Some weed sounds great," I answered. 

"Awesome, come inside!"   We crashed on the remaining living room couch.  A rolled joint was already sitting on the coffee table next to a lighter. 

"You're going to be so impressed with Kurt's singing," Shelli said, as she prepared to light the joint.  "He's been trying so hard to get everything perfect.  It's actually adorable.  He really loves you."

"Yeah, he really does."  I agreed.  "I love him too."

"Krist and I have never seen Kurt like this before.  He's always been kind of a perfectionist about music, but he's taken it to a whole new level now."

"I know.  He's been so worried that I won't like his music.  How could I not?"

"He is seriously, seriously in love with you," said Shelli, the weed kicking in.  "And now you guys live together.  Maybe you'll be together forever." 

"I'd like that," I said, relaxing as I started to feel the effects of the weed. 

"Ladies!" we heard Krist's voice call from the basement.  "Showtime!"  Shelli and I grinned and raced for the stairs. 

"Best seats in the house," said Kurt, motioning to two folding chairs. 

"Thank you, sweetheart," I said, giving Kurt a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  "You're going to be amazing." I whispered in his ear.    Shelli and I settled into our seats.  I tried hard not to giggle as I saw Kurt, Krist and Aaron assembled with their instruments, looking like an actual band.  Perhaps the weed had been a bad idea. 

It didn't take long to discover that they played like a real band, too.  They had such a unique sound.  I didn't have words to describe it.  It was intense and full of energy, like raw emotion channeled into angry sounding guitar chords and fast-paced drum beats.  I was fascinated watching Kurt's long fingers play his guitar so expertly.  My heart swelled with pride for the guys.  They were really something special. 

But when Kurt opened his mouth to sing, well, I wish I had words to describe his voice.  I know I can't give any description that could do it justice.  At times it was deep and smooth and even a bit quiet.  But, in sharp contradiction, it was also high-pitched controlled screaming that was so ugly-pretty.  I was completely enraptured listening to him.  He mostly looked at the floor while he performed, but every once in a while he'd make eye contact with me.  It gave me goosebumps.  I was incredibly proud of him as my boyfriend, but this was so much more than that.  We'd joked around about Kurt being a rock star, but in that moment I truly believed he would. What he was doing was so different and so captivating.  I was in complete awe. 

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