Bonus Chapter-2

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They whole hall is cheerful. People are laughing, whispering, giggling.

Abhay Rathod looked at his guests smiling face. Today is the success party of their project, and they are all having fun.

He went on to the stage and the very sight made te chaotic hall calm down. He took the mic. "Good evening everyone." His deep manly yet authority filled voice reached everyone present there.

"Thank you so much for coming to this party and also congratulations for everyone who participated in the project and made it happen. There will be rises in the salary and bonus added by the end of this week. Now enjoy." He completed and the crowd cheered and clapped with happiness.

There she stood in a mauve chiffon saree. The blouse sleeves are upto the her elbow length. Her petite figure stood there as he marched towards her with pride emitting in his each step. His eyes locked with her's which are filled with pride for him.

"Stop staring at him like you will eat him. Save it for your bedroom." She heard Sameera say and rolled her eyes at her bestfriend.

"It's not like you were not eyeing Vikram bhaiyya. I know how you both left the party to god knows where at a time and came back after what like 45 minutes." Priya said with a sweet smile. 

"What you ladies are talking?" Asked Abhay curiously eyeing his wife who is having a wicked smile on her face.

"We are talking about eating." Priya said and saw Sameera going red. "Eating what?" Abhay asked now becoming more curious. "Strawberries. Sam is saying she would like to eat strawberries." Priya's smirk widened.

Abhay observed Sameera becoming uncomfortable and what his devil of wife is doing with her innocent best friend. "Do you like to eat banana then?" He said with a double meaning as the smirk that she hate to love appeared on his handsome face. No one would belive that this man is now 36 years old with three kids.

He still gives the vibes of the Abhay who was after her for years and claimed her. Her eyes stuck on to his mischievous ones and all she could see is him, hear is him, everything about him still drove her crazy.

"Ugh- what happened here guys?" Asked a confused Vikram standing beside Sameera. "Fruit salad." The Rathod couple said still not leaving eachother's eyes making Sameera blush and Vikram to be left in a confused state.

Just then Priya's phone rang making them aware. Priya took her mobile from her pouch and her face immediately lit up when she saw the ID.

She lifted her mobile. " Amma. " Diya said. Now who is nearly 7 and half.

Still the fluttering in her heart never failed to come when she addressed her as her mother. Even after having her own kids, Diya is the one who made her mother first, maybe not biologically, but practically and emotionally Diya was, is and will always be her little angel in disguise who came in her life and changed it.

"Kabir, Ariya and I completed our food." The daughter filled her mother with the details of what they have done and how Kabir pulled Ariya's pigtail and started crying when she cried too.

Priya couldn't help but feel the big sister vibes Diya gave and love for her siblings.

"Okay darling, three of you take care and now go to Nani and tell her that we will come soon." Priya cooed to her daughter. After bidding her bye she turned around to see Vikram and Sameera are not there and her husband is looking at her with amusement and intensity. She know that look very well. She know what is going in his mind.

The function ended and now they are on their way back. Priya glanced outside the world looking at the dark sky. Abhay is observing his wife.

The ride is calm. And the presence of one other is soothing for both of them. As soon as they reached their house, the home is silent and guessed that everyone slept, they both checked on their three kids and left to their room.

Abhay closed the door as soon as they entered inside and dragged Priya elbow making her fall on his broad wide chest. He gripped her hip making her gasp with pleasure.

"What that fruit discussion was about? Hm?" He asked nuzzling her throat and placed an open mouth kiss on her throat.

"I- I was just teasing her- Abhay!!!" She exclaimed when he pinched her bare waist  as her saree was sided. He took hold of her hips.

"Abhay. My mom is in home, kids are sleeping-" "It's been a month now that I had you. Please love." He said and stripped and made love to his wife stufling her moans with his kiss.

After the passionate love making he laid next to her.

"You are a caveman Abhay." She whined looking at him. He sneaked his hands around her holding her close.

"And you love me baby girl." He said smirking. She pecked his lips and kissed his forehead. "I love you." She said laying her head against his bare chest.

"I love you too.."

❤️❤️ Bonus chapter-2!

Hope you guys liked it.

Also please do check my other works:-

Broken Destinies

Silent Whispers of Hearts


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