Past Part-16 Goa.

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Author's POV:

The next day they all met in the airport and they went to Goa in Abhay's private plane. The trip is to have private moment with their respective partners but for the men it seemed more like girl parties because as soon they saw eachother they all started chirping and gossiping like birds leaving the three of them alone to wander.. They even are wondering whether they even are acknowledging their presence cause since when all three of them met they haven't even given a glance towards their partners.

        Abhay regretted accepting her condition of coming with friends because she isn't even glancing at him while Priya is enjoying each and every moment she is spending with Arunima and Amaira.

      Amaira is glowing like anything and is looking more beautiful than ever. Maybe marriage does that to people. Priya thought and grinned at the thought of her marriage.

       If it is in the past then she would have thrown a fit on the name of marriage but with Abhay it's all different and she is looking forward to spend the rest of her life with him.

         Maybe people will say that she is going fast and should reconsider her thoughts but love really make people mad! Priya still haven't noticed that her Promotion to main office is Abhay's deed as each day passing his obsession on her clearly can be seen by others but Priya left the thought that he is her creepy stalker...

           Some might say that Abhay is a crazy bastard and he doesn't deserve her for stalking her but can anyone love her more than he does? Can anyone make her happy like he does? Maybe if he didn't reveal himself or maybe if they didn't spend their time together it was possible for Priya to think him as just a creepy stranger who took interest in her but with time being she acknowledged how much he truly cared and loves her so she kept that 'Stalker' part away from them.

         They all seemed happy and are unaware of the storm that is stored in for them which might changes things for all of them completely....

Priya's POV:

We reached Goa soon and we went to the hotel room through cars. I smiled as the wind of Goa hit my face and my hair is all here and there when I noticed my man looking at me with a small smile playing on his handsome face.

     I rasied my eyebrows and he shook his head and came towards me before pinching my nose lightly.

      He pecked my forehead which is very common nowadays. It's his way of telling himself that everything will be alright. When I asked him why it is me that he have to peck to reassure himself about everything being alright to which he replied " Your presence is what makes me feel alright. If you are not here with me atleast like this I might loose myslef. It's just that I seek more comfort from you more than from anyone else..." I remember his words crystal clear and smiled like a fool at him.

       The resort we are staying is very beautiful and we have view of beach from here which is very beautiful.

          I mentally noted that being in holidays sometimes makes feel things light. When I told my mom that I am going on a tour with Abhay and his friends she didn't freak out and instead told me all the best! I mean I thought that she would be angry because I am roaming with a man but she said that even she went out with dad before marriage so it would unfair with me if she didn't allow me! I mean did she already accept Abhay as her son-in-law? Well whatever it's good for me only. Why bothering unnecessarily?

        I picked my phone and took a photo of this breath taking view and sent pics to Sam. She saw and instantly messaged me that view is so beautiful and she is missing the fun. I promised her that we all together will go someday. Yes I invited her but she coyldbt apply for leave since she already took one the previous week because of her viral fever.

Later she said the she met Aaryash and I hummed. I know that she has a crush on him. I even tried some blind dates for them but that ass always pushed me with them saying it could be a reunion. I wonder when he will acknowledge my girl's effort!

       Except for me and Abhay the other 2 couples are sharing their rooms. I thought Abhay will suggest that idea since it's a nice oppurtunity for him to be close with me but instead he respected my privacy and let me have my own room to which I am very glad. 

       He respects me and trust me and what I want more than that? I really appreciate his efforts of winning my heart. Though he don't have to try this much cause I have already fallen for him!

       I went to washroom and took a head bath which calmed my nerves. Since it's only evening we decided to visit the near by beach. I heard that all three of them aka Abhay, Ajay jiju and Vikram Bhaiyya came here when they are in +2 and had lots of fun then. I heard that they usually used to hangout  and go on tours beifre graduation but stopped after involving in buissines.

        I came back after drying my hair properly and took a white plain kurta and blue jeans with simple flats. I heard a knock and opened the door. Abhay is standing there in a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans. We are wearing same clothes and I smiled at him. I took my bag and went outside and he lead me to where everyone are waiting. I am really excited for today's trip!

Hi people! How are you all? I hope you all are doing well.

I am sorry for disappearing without any notice.

Three chapters at a time! It took every ounce me to write all three at a time. *Sighs* anyways! Do tell me how the chapters are. Please do vote, comment and support me. Remember your votes and comments are the only things that pushed me to write and gives me enough enthusiasm.

Thank you each and everyone who waited patiently and didn't pressured me to give more updates. Since I am little busy it might take me few days to update but max I will try to update frequently.


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