Undying Love

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Hello people out there!!! So here is the first chap of my second book. I am not done with Destined to be Mine... I know I am just giving you guys a glimpse of this book..

Chapter 1

Author's POV:

Its seven in the evening. It's raining outside. She is sitting in the cafe. Alone in her seat thinking about her life. She looked outside the window from where she can see people are running here and there because of the huge rain.

Rain..... this is something she is used to like back in the past 3 years before that incident.... the incident which shook her heart, which made her lifeless.. which made her choose the path where there are only needles. She did the thing no one will ever do... she lost him that day... not fully... but their memories.. well his memories of her.

While thinking about rain Priya remembered HIM and how they met in rain. How he chased her......


Priya's internship's last day. She is working in an MNC company as an intern. That was her last day and she along with her friends went to Cafe Coffee Day to celebrate their last day. They all are happy. After finishing their party they started to leave. Suddenly the rain started to pour.

All her friends offered her ride but she declined saying she dont want to trouble them as their houses are far from the place they are currently at. Leaving her in her dorm will make the things worse for them so she declined their offer. After their departure the rain started to pour heavily. So without any thought she ran over to other end of the road where there is bus stop. As she was crossing the road a car was about hit her.

The owner of the car suddenly stopped the car before it hit her. She was afraid about his reaction. As she expected a young man dressed in white shirt with black pants neatly tucked got down from the car... that's the first time she saw him. In the rain.....

The memory brought tears to her eyes. She shook them off. She shouldn't be thinking of him. He is married. The thought of him with another woman made her heart broke into pieces. She should be the one whom he married. If not from that day's incident they both might be together. But now? Well let's not talk about that.

Her chain of thought were broken by her mother's call. She called her to ask where is she. Priya told her that she is safe and will be returning home soon. She paid the bill for her coffee and went to her her home.

As she entered her home her mother welcomed her with a warm smile. They chatted with each other for a while. After that priya went to her room to get freshed up. After her bath she wore pajamas. She dont have an appetite so she didn't eat anything.

As the thunders and lightnings are decorating the sky she started to remember HIM more. She remembered their love more about HIS love, care, possessiveness everything. She cant forget him and move on... its isnt that easy.

They should be getting living happily if that didn't happen. She regret everything. She blame herself for everything, for the past, for her present and her future.....


So here is the first chapter. Hope you all like it.

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