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Priya's POV:

After eating lunch prepared by me we all went to our perspective rooms. Iam again tied with him for now.

I came and kept angel between me and Abhay. I haven't slept this much peacefully after so long.

I kept alarm at 4:00pm in the evening. The sound interrupted my beauty sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at the figures in front of me.

Angel is stick to me and sleeping soundly near my heart and kept both us near to him by enclosing both of us in his arms.

They both are looking so cute while they are sleeping. I got up slowly removing their hands in me. I kept pillows beside angel so that she won't fell down.

I went to washroom and took a bath and came out after wearing pajamas. I went towards Abhay and woke him up.

"Abhay" I called but he didn't open his eyes.

I did the same for few time but still he is not even flinching. Taking a moment to think and contemplating whether do that thing that came in my mind or not I tapped his hands and did that until I saw him stirring that's after 2-3 mins.

Smiling with satisfaction...I was about to tap him again but he clasped my hand pulled me on bed with him. I am on top of him and he again closed him eyes trying to sleep. "Abhay... We will be late in our reception." I said in a low voice trying not to wake up Angel.

        "Umm Priya.... Please let me sleep. It feel-" "Priya and Abhay are you both awake?" We heard my mother-in-law from outside of the room. I cleared my throat and yelled a yes.

          "Abhay.... Get up naa. We will get late in our own function." I said and tried to release his death like grip on me.

         Finally I got succeeded in doing so. I got up and again went to washroom to wash my face as I looked as red as Sindoor.

             Huffing and puffing I again came outside after clearing my face with towel.
           I saw him sitting on the bed looking at our daughter. A smile crept on my face as I saw him.

  * Bang! Bang!*

       A loud knock disturbed our sweet moment. I opened the door. I saw Naina and some of Abhay's cousins. Smiling at them i asked what they want instead they just burst in the room.

        Giggling among themselves they looked at Abhay who raised his eyebrows after looking at his bunch of sisters.

             "Bhai. Today you have to change in guest room only so if you leave now we have to get our bhabi ready." Said Akhila. Abhay's cousin. He gave her a flat look and went from the room not even giving me a glance..

         I narrowed my eyes . Just then I heard a giggle. I looked over and saw angel giggling. I smiled at her and Naina took her in her arms and took her to washroom to give her a bath. All these girls pushed the chair and made me sit in it. I was not allowed to look in mirror. So I told them in before hand to not do much make up to me.

       After some time Angel came out with Naina wearing a cute dress which matches my dress's color.

        I gave a smile to Naina and she winked at me. After makeup i was sent to walk in closet to wear my dress. They even covered the mirror in closet. Drama queens.  I thought and sighed.

     I came out wearing the dress and they all gasped looking at my reflection. Naina squealed excitedly and pulled me infront of the mirror and made me look at my self.

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