Exchanging numbers!

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Priya's POV:~

     I gave him a warning and turned to Abhay who is now looking at me with a shocked expression. Uh-oh... I smell trouble now!!...

       "Priya?" My mom called me. I am already fuming in anger. No one is allowed to talk bad about him. Not even himself. Will I spare someone as fake and foul person as Tarun? Never!

         My mother is glaring at me. I looked at her with the same intensity. "Namaste Aunty ji and uncle ji! Arey Vandana ji you are here? And wow all the family is here. Haa Priya you didn't tell that you re-" I grabbed his collar and looked into his eyes. "Get lost before I lose my cool and kill you." I told him. "Why Priya? Afraid your little secret will be out?" Tarun replied. I glared at him.

         He removed my hands from his collar. "Priya by any chance that you meet him. Tell him that his GOOD FRIEND is missing him. " He winked and left. I looked at Abhay who is a raging bull now. "A-Abhay" I went towards him tried to touch him but he forcely removed my hand.

             His father held his hand and dragged him to the car. We all together went away from the restaurant. We reached Naina's house. We all went inside and Abhay is continuously glaring at me.

           "Why are you so angry Abhay?" Asked his father in a clam tone. "Why the hell she haven't told me that she had a boyfriend?" He asked gritting his teeth. His father frowned and said "common you aren't a saint either. You can't blame her-" "Atleast I told her truth about my relationships on the day we went out together!" He cut his father off .

         "Abhay... It's a past... I don't want to live with in it. I know I should have told you and Iam sorry. I didn't do it intentionally... If you are hurt.. iam really sorry." As I stated I gave a look to Naina. She understood and ushered both of us to go to garden to talk.

         When we both reached garden I took Abhay's hand in mine. We started to walk slowly. "Iam sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way." He said in a calm voice. I smiled at him. "It's ok.. mistake is mine. I should have told you before hand. People mostly don't like girls having past with a gu-" "Oh no! Not like that. Iam just maybe jealous that you already love someone..." Abhay cut me off. His cheeks are  red and I concluded he is blushing. He haven't changed much.  My inner voice popped.

        I smiled at him. " I have to tell you something Abhay." I said. He gave me a small smile and nodded at me to continue. "Iam not a VIRGIN" I blurted out. I closed my eyes tightly when that words left my mouth. Even after sometime I didn't hear any curse words nor any sort of bad words. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

         He smiled at me and said. "I don't care Priya. Because in the end you are mine. Infact iam not a virgin too. It doesn't matter to me cause you will be Mine. I don't care and even doesn't want to know who is that person. Maybe your boyfriend. Dont ever tell me about him. I don't know what I will do-"  "I won't" I cut him off forcing a smile. The last thing I want is now to talk about my past.

    Abhay took our hands which are clasped . He kissed my hand. Blood rushed to my cheeks. Iam sure Iam looking like a tomato. He looked at me and gave me a boyish grin and for that smile my heart skipped a beat. It's been so long to see him smile..... My inner voice again said.

          We together walked inside only to find out parents involved in a talk. We both looked at eachother. "Common guys. We are hungry let's eat." Naina whined. Angel is giving me dark looks indicating Iam not giving her attention. I went to her and picked her up. After that we all ordered a simple meal from outside. After eating we ladies washed the dishes and plates in which we kept food and ate. When I came back Angel is with Abhay standing in his lap pulling his hair. I controlled my laugh and clicked their pictures.

          Later after sometime we all again left for shopping. Naina bought some cosmetics and new makeup things which I don't even what their names are... Later mom asked all the men to leave. She asked them to  take Diya with them. First I didn't agree but one glare from Mom is enough.

         Abhay left while winking at me and gave me a flying kiss to tease me. He still knows how to irritate you. Same old ways. This time I ignored my inner voice.

         My mother and mother-in-law along with Naina took me to lingerie shop. What the? My eyes grew wider as soccers and I shook my head in no. They dragged me inside.

           They selected so many revealing nighties. Along with them they purchased lingeries in all colours. They even bought me few undergarments which looked so revealing. Ugh!!! I mentally cried for my future. I shouldn't have come with them.

        Later when we are going to home I noticed Naina texting Abhay. She gave me her phone and asked me to read.

The conversation is:

Abhay: Naina...

Naina: what Bhai?

Abhay: I want her number!!!

Naina: whose number Bhai? I don't understand about whom you are talking😜.

Abhay: Give me Priya's number Naina!!

Naina: ok she is beside me only ask. Iam giving her phone. 😂😂

Abhay: Naina don't play with me😡.

   That's all. I looked at her. I laughed at how he is dying to get my number.

Priya: hey Abhay its me Priya. My number is 90********

I texted him my number and gave Naina her phone while she is teasing me. My mothers joined too. Later we reached our home. Naina and my mother-in-law dropped us and went to their place.

         It's evening so ma prepared dinner while I arranged all the clothes and accessories in my room. I took my bath and went down to eat. After eating I went to my room and opened my phone to check notifications. Suddenly an unknown number called me. I lifetd the call. "Priya it's me." Person  said as lifted the call. He is Abhay. I got up from my sleeping position  and sat on the bed.

           "Hmm" I mumbled. "What are you doing?" He asked me. "Completed dinner just now. You?" I asked him. "Doing my work." He replied. "Have you ate?" I asked him. "No" he mumbled. "Why?" I asked him. "Cause I have to work hard. For the upcoming days I know I can't work while our marriage rituals will be happening." He siad and later suddenly said " I miss you" I became silent and didn't reply him.  "Bye Priya. I can't wait to make you mine...." He siad I told him the same.

          I hope everything will be ok. We are being like this after so many years. I feel like it's heaven now. Us being together forever.

      Little did I know... It's just a beautiful dream... Which will soon turn into a dreadful nightmare.....


Not edited!!!

Hello guys. Iam back again.

Why? Cause my exams postponed again because of covid-19.

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Love-Anya ❤️


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