Past part-14 Promotion?

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Priya's POV:

The days rolled fast and it's been six months since I have graduated from the college and even is working for Abhay. I was shocked to know that he is my former employer when I worked as an intern.

     Our both offices are different since he will be working in main branch and I am in one of Delhi's normal branch.  We rarely meet nowadays but daily we check up on eachother in night. When he offered a job in his office I was very furious and bashed him and called him names but I cooled down when he said that he is impressed of my talents and don't want them to pass over other companies. He said that's the only reason. At first I didn't believe but true to his words he never brought up our personal relations in office.

         The days seemed lighter than usual but the only missing things in my life is Naina and Sameera. Sam got a job in Bangalore and she shifted there while Naina wanted to study more and left for abroad.

     I sighed and started typing the details of upcoming meeting when someone called my name. I looked up and saw Mr. SriRam Iyer who is also my colleague standing there. "Yes Mr.Iyer?" I asked him and he said that Boss is calling me.

      I nodded and went to my boss's cabin. I knocked the door and heard a faint come in. I went inside and saw my boss indulged in a work. " Excuse me sir." I said and he looked at me.

        " Oh! Yeah Priya! I have asked for you. Please take a seat." He said and I sat in the chair infront of his office table.

        " Well I checked your report and saw how good you are working so I am giving you a promotion " he said smiling but I frowned. "But sir it's been only few months since I joined the company. How can I get promoted?" I asked him..

        " Well your work is fabulous. So from Monday you don't need to come here!" He said and grinned at me. What?

    I frowned at him again. " I mean you will be working in the main branch." He said and I widened my eyes. Main branch as in the headquarters? Where Abhay works too... I thought. I guess my inner turmoil shown on my face as Mr. Singh narrowed his eyes at me. "Aren't you happy Priya? If it is someone who then they would have screamed!" He said and rubbed his bald.

       I gave him a nervous smile and after talking about everything he gave me leave and I went and sat in my cubicle.

        I don't know whether to feel happy or feel terrific. I took my phone and texted this to Abhay. Let's just wait for his reaction....

Author's POV:

The cool night breezes  touched the people who are leaving for their homes.. the time seemed slow as everyone enjoyed their evening time with their loved ones.

      Abhay is sitting alone in his office when he recieved a call form Priya which instantly lift his mood and made him smile.

A stands for Abhay and P stands for Priya.

A: Heyy sweetheart. Going to home.?

P: Already reached. What about you?

A: some more work. You see the project we are dealing now is very important.

P: I understand Mr. But you have to take care of yourself too. And did you know! I am coming to your office from next Monday!

     She exclaimed making Abhay chuckle.

A: Yeah! How couldn't I know! I am the CEO of the office sweety not just a mere employee.

    He said and chuckled to which Priya huffed. They both stayed like that for sometime when Abhay decided to speak.

A: the project will be completed by next Thursday. After that we will both head to somewhere... What say?

P: hm... But remember we are still 'friends'? And no one goes to tours like that.
      Priya said giggling to which frowned.

A: ahan? So you give cheek kisses like that to Just friends huh?

P: yepp. Me, Sam and even Naina does that!


     Priya started laughing hearing him yell at her. She likes no Loves his possesive side alot. It makes her feel so special when he gets possesive. Priya smiled involuntarily thinking about him.

P: Hahah I am just kidding. But let's go with friends.

A: Fine then I will invite Vikram and Ajay too with their partners. That way it will be friends tour as you wished.

P: Well it's a good idea Mr. Rathod. I thought apart from business and stalking you know nothing.

A: I know so much Priya... More than you can ever imagine.

     Abhay said in a husky voice making Priya shiver. She released a deep breath as she sensed that he is trying to seduce her now! The nerve of this man...

P: Well I don't want to know. So just keep your mouth shut. So when are we planning to leave?

     Abhay chuckled and started detailing her about everything. While on the other side the viscous people started their planning of already seperating them ...

      " So you want me to kill her?" Asked a lady. " No just bring her to me. I will make sure she suffers." Tharun said.

        "Well do I have a reason to do so?" The lady asked twirling her hair curls. " Well I will give you that Abhay and you can do whatever you want to.. " he said and smirked at that woman as she seemed to be in a deep thought.

       " Fine I will do it." She said and Tharun internally smirked but maintained a cold posture and nodded at her. " Remember. If you get caught... I won't be there to help." He said but the woman smirked at him. " Leave everything to me baby... I will make things right." She said and winked at him before leaving. Abhay Rathod... The game starts now! Tharun thought as he continued sipping his beer.

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