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6 months passed

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6 months passed... Everything is normal now. Vikram is completely cured and his parents went back to their place.

         Things are slowly falling back into their place. Sharada, Priya's mother is slowly getting over the fact that her husband is no more. Being with the Rathods have been a great help in her mental health. The old people enjoyed alot in one's company.

           The cheerful Friday of the week made Vikram's day hectic. The day after tomorrow he and his beloved Meera are leaving to honeymoon.

        So he have to complete all the work today itself. Abhay gifted them two Europe tickets and at first Vikram was hesitant since he left so much of work and rejoined 2 months back only since he was recovering but Abhay assured him that he will take care of everything.

      The evenings of Friday are his all time favourite. He always cherishes them with his heart. It is already evening. The winter months welcomed the dusk early. The clouds are hiding the moon and the sky is not having much of stars today so he thought it is going to rain.

        Sameera entered the floor and walked to her husband's office and knocked on the door. Since Vikram is having his nose in the file he asked the person to come in without looking at the interrupter.

      Meera entered the room slowly and on sensing his wife's presence Vikram lifted his head up. "My colleague is asking me to go out with her. So.. I am leaving, will be in the opposite cafe." Sameera said and Vikram nodded. "When will you be back? So I can pick you up?" He asked and Meera looked in deep thought. "I don't know. It might take some time." Sameera said and Vikram nodded his head.

           "Take care, call me after you are done." He said and she nodded her head. With one last glance she left his cabin. Packing her things, Sameera left with her colleague Nisha.

          They reached the coffe shop near their office. Nisha is going on her first date with her fiance and in their previous conversations she got to know about Sameera being the Fashionista, so she wanted her friend's help in choosing her dress and all for her tomorrow's date.

       Nisha ordered a cup of cappuccino and Sameera ordered a cold coffee.. they were so busy in gossiping and drinking their drinks.. when Sameera saw a familiar figure entering the coffee shop.

        Aaryash. She looked at him and as soon as he was about to look at her she looked away. "Sam?" She heard his voice and looked up and found him looking at her with that expression that she used to crave to see in his eyes.. but now it means nothing to her. She gave him a small smile and got up to say hi as he neared her.

       But he had another plans as he surprised her by hugging her and caught her off-guard, "fuck I missed you alot Sameera, I have so much to tell you.." Sameera tried to remove his hands on her.
          She smiled at him awkwardly. "Iam really very sorry." Aaryash said Sameera smiled at him. " I forgave you." She said. "If so, will you please have coffee with me?" She hear the hope in his voice but to be honest she she didn't like the idea of having a chat with him.

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