Drowning in your Love.

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Priya's POV:

     The next week has been hell since I have to part away from my babies for two days.

       Sam's engagement... Since Diya is still a baby Abhay didn't allow me to bring Diya to Hyderabad and said he will bring her on day before of the engagement which is tomorrow.

         The shopping, the rings selection, calling guests everything is done and here I am now in my best friend's place eating food.

        " You are the only sister she have Priya." I heard aunty say and smiled at her. "Same goes with me Aunty. She is the only one I have apart from Amaira. If it wasn't for her delivery that happened a month back she would have been here too." I said munching on my food.
             " Priya.. so sorry for us to invite you here while you yourself recently got married to Abhay again..." Aunty said giving me a guilty look. " It's ok aunty. If it's not me who will come? You only said I am like a sister to her right? I should take the duties too." I said getting up to keep my plate in kitchen. I washed my hands and saw Sam is looking at me with tears. She ate her last morsel and we both entered her room and she immediately hugged me.

           " I love you." She mumbled in our hug. "Bitch I have a husband." I said and she punched my arms.

           " Day after tomorrow I will be engaged to Ram right?" She said and frowned and it took me 2mins to get who the hell Ram is and when I got what she was saying I gave her a teasing smile.

          Suddenly her mobile rang and I saw Vikram bhaiyya's ID and teased her before saying her bye.

     I reached my place... This place without my parents is nothing but just a building... I don't feel right everytime I look at this building... Something uneasy settles in my stomach... Maybe because I have been through hell in the same place because of Abhay not being there.

       I closed my eyes and nonthless entered the house. It's a good thing that Atleast servants are taking care of this place and in the night few will stay here.

     I opened my room's door and went to washroom. Took a warm bath and came out wrapped in a towel I turned to my cupboard and too my PJs I changed into them and was brushing my hair when I felt the balcony door opening.

         I looked at the man infront of me and my mouth went dried.. "Such a lovely way to greet your husband wifey~" Abhay said looking at me..

Abhay's POV:

Day before Yesterday she left saying she have to help Sameera. I felt void in this home without her and  to that my daughter made sure I suffered.

          She got so much accustomed to Priya that she literally is pulling my hair and slapping me whenever I lift her up.

        Today morning too she threw food on my face when I tried to feed her since even her Nanny wasn't able to feed her.

         So today I decided to take Diya there and since Vikram also reached there for their engagement preparations.

      I thought of surprising her by going to her room through balcony but I got surprised seeing her in wet hair damping her back of dress...

    ( What's with you and climbing her balcony Abhay? 😂. I mean I get that you like adventures but this time...)

I saw her eyes widened for a second and before I knew she started hitting my chest. "When will you stop this creepy ways you asshole!" She started hitting me. And I looked at her smiling. "My ways won't change for you baby..." I said trailing my fingers on her arms and she swatted it immediately.

          "What are you doing here? Where is Diya? The time is 8:30pm now! Did she eat? Did you feed her? Where is she now? Alone or her Nanny is here too?" She asked. "Downstairs with Sweta" (Diya's Nanny) I said and she was about to leave down when I grabbed her arm and turned her towards me as her wet hair touched my face softly... I closed my eyes as the familiar vanilla smell hit my nostrils making me take deep breath.

           I slide my hands towards her waist and brought her more closer to me then she already is.. " Your seeing your husband after one whole day and you rush to your daughter as soon as he comes? No welcome hug.... Nor kiss? Looks like I have to complaint to my mother-in-law that my wife is not taking proper care of me.." I said nuzzling her neck.

            "Well what can I do when my husband is nothing but a jerk for thousand centuries?" She said and bit her neck slightly.. she gasped and pushed me away before running away from me... You are enchanting me more with each day passing... I wonder for how many days I can be strong.. I am drowning in your love Priya...

Vikram's POV:

I looked out of my window and the moon is shining brightly..  my phone buzzed and I saw Meera calling and lifted immediately.

        "I am sorry mumma called me!" She said and I giggled. " So... Where was I?" She asked. "That you and Priya almost got caught while pranking your seniors." I said and she started giggling.

               "Did you know what happened then? I was soooo... Horrified but suddenly he sat on the place where Priya kept paint and as soon as he got up his whole back was painted white. He was about to look at us but we both ran off and almost got caught by the peon! Then again you know Priya! She have her charms and then booking one of his friends we escaped! You should have seen his face! Oh my God! But serves him right for messing it with her! You know she is the happiest soul you ever meet but her anger is something even I! her chuddy buddy fears! Oh my God... Her one glare is enough to make others shit in their pants!" She talked and I listened to her...

      When I first met her.. she was a college girl like Priya.. I first saw her with Priya sulking that she didn't accept going on shopping with her... She was pouting... I never thought I do be ending with her... She used to be that naive stupid sweet girl for me but now... My woman.. I know sooner she will make a special spot in my heart.. I know she will steal my heart one day... I know she will become my whole world one day... Even though I am afraid of falling for her... But I guess... The situation is out of hands now!

😍😍😍 Vikram is ❤️

Drop a ❤️ if you like Ram more than Yash and drop a 👍 if you like Yash.

Aren't our couple cute? 🤩

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Love-Sharanya ❤️❤️❤️

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