Past part-18 Beach Party.

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Author Note:

I am giving an author note here itself cause I know many won't read it when I write below the Chapter.

       Recently... Not recently actually quiet from few weeks you guys are really not reading this book and I do want to know why.

       As per me I didnt change the plot. If you think something like that then please don't. It's not like that.

          Are you guys tired of past chapters? That's why you guys Abondoned this book? Then let me tell you one thing. To get a grip over something I believe that you should know it's past too. Abhay and Priya along with Vikram, Sameera and Arunima, Aaryash are very complicated characters which takes major turns in the story.

        That's why I am going to keep it this way. Also few months back I got an offer from Dream app saying that they will even pay me! At first I declined because I know you guys USED to love my books but I am not as confident as I was in past and I don't know why.

       So I am going to start a new book over there as soon as I complete my one of a book here. At first I thought to remove this book and publish there but I thought you guys would be disappointed so still that's why I am keeping this work here despite lack of votes and views. I am really very thankful for each and every reader who asked me to update this book.

      I really love you guys because you are the people who made me belive in a saying that "bad days are just a part of life and with hope you can overcome your hardships."

       Don't worry there are just less then 6 chapter of past which I will be updating frequently. Afterwards the real game would be started so.....

Enough of my rants!

Enough of my rants!

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Author's POV:

      The next day Priya couldn't even look into Abhay's eyes properly because she was the one who took initiative in their first kiss.

       Amaira nagged her why she is behaving like a total nut crack and Abhay was flushed due to this making his friends think that he has completely gone insane.

        That day they decided to visit beach. First they went to Calangute beach from there to few near by churches and then again beaches like that they visited maximum places before the sunset and by the time they have returned to the area they are staying they all are exhausted. They went to their rooms and after getting freshen they all decided to leave for nearby beach party which was held on a near by beach. They came to know about it when they were passing through that way.

       Priya wore a black dress which ended up to her knees while Amaira wore a pastel blue colour one. Arunima wore a white frock which has small and big printed flowers upto ankles and they three looked pretty. While the men got ready in their t-shirts and jeans.

       They all met in the lobby and decided to eat something light before they leave.

          After eating some light food they all together went to the beach through walk. They all are chirping like birds but asusual Abhay is the silent one. Priya left Amaira's hands and slipped her hands with Abhay catching his attention. He gave her his charming smile and kissed her forehead.

        They reached the beach and the party is on full swing. Many are listening to the songs which are sung by a near by group.

       Some are drinking and some are having fun with their friends. Some are already wasted.

     Priya giggled as Abhay tightened his arms over her. She gave him a smile liking his possessiveness.

          They all had fun talking, giggling and having fun when Arunima said that she needs to pee urgently. Priya volunteered to join her since she can't leave her alone. Vikram suggested that he would come but Arunima said she is fine...

      They moved few steps farther from them but suddenly Arunima turned to Vicky's side and ran towards him. Gave him a hug and kiss. " I will be back soon." She said and smiled at him before leaving with Priya.

        Abhay saw his love of the life disappearing from his surroundings and sighed as he already felt empty for letting her leave.

        Abhay looked at Amaira and who is giving him a teasing smile. "What's cooking Abhay ji?" She asked. " Nothing your husband haven't informed you bhabhi ji." Abhay said giving her an equal teasing smile.

           Amaira giggled and hut his arm playfully. " So... Going to maintain these flirtings itself or gonna make some move?" She asked.
          " Nothing is in my hands bhabi... It's her and her decision alone to give me chance..." I said and she grinned at me. " She has already fallen for you Devar ji. So don't worry." Amaira said and they all chatted about many things.

        Fifteen minutes passed... Neither Priya nor Arunima came. Sweat is forming on Abhay's forehead. Worry can be seen on his face. Amaira is pacing here and there.

      After waiting for another 5 mins they couldn't help but go in the direction the both went. When they are about to call Priya they saw a slipper on road which belongs to Priya...
       Abhay's heart dropped as fear enetred every vein of his body. He searched all the near by places. He didn't find her. Same goes with Vikram and the other two.

         Suddenly Vikram got a phone call from Arunima's number and he lifted it called everyone towards him. He kept the phone on speaker immediately.
         " Vi- Vicky.. The- Some.. some people Kidnapped me.. and Priya.. they took Priya away Vicky... They are trying to catch me Vicky please come soon. I am very afraid. They took Priya to a room Vicky. Please please come soon." She said and crying badly and Vikram's chest heaved with pain.

       "We- we are coming... Just talk baby.. talk with me please." He said but the line got cut. They all ran towards the place where her phone is showing the locations.

           Tears are started flowing from Amaira's eyes but Abhay is numb. His face and knuckles turned pale as he increased the lace he is going.

       As soon as they were near to the place they saw a girl running in the opposite side of their route and suddenly our of nowhere she was hit by a car... For a moment everyone are stunned...  The girl's body flew up and fell to the ground with a thud as the car flew.... And the girl is none other than.... Arunima...

Don't whine for a short chapter.

🙂 This is all your guys doing. Anyways guess and tell me what's going to happen next.

Until then take care and Stay Safe.

Anya ( no lovue no hearth. Anya izz hurth) *says in a baby voice* 😪😪

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