Falling in love again and again.

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🚨🚨High mature content alert. You have been warned! 🚨🚨

Priya's POV:

          I switched on the A/C and fell on the bed. Abhay is in shower and as per our yesterday's talk Diya is now with Amaira. I am feeling very bad to leave her there and now Amaira have to take care of three small kids.

          I heard the door opening but still I couldn't open my eyes. After sometime I felt the bed dipping beside me and I felt his head on my stomach.
                    "What are you thinking so deeply?" His voice is low but still I could hear. "I am missing Diya." I mumbled and heard him sigh.

            He took my hands in his. "The first thing in morning is to bring her here... Please... I am sorry I have to put you through this but understand me too... I was literally craving for you since one and half year now!" he said and I chuckled.

           "Fine get up I have to take shower.".I said and he didn't instead got up and pinned me down to the bed as his hands encircled my waist.

               " But you already took one in the evening." He rasped in my ears. "I worked in kitchen. Now I am all sweaty!" I grumbled and pushed him off. "If you have told this previously then.." he said smirking and I beat him in stomach.

        "Such a shameless creature you are!" I said and hurried to bathroom. " We are going to do the shameless thing only now baby..." I heard him yell and chuckled as I closed the bathroom door.

        Stripping from my clothes the warm water made my mind fuzzy and I breathed hard.
            Washing my body I wiped it with my towel and wore a white shaded pink lingerie that ended till my mid thigh.

        I entered and saw him looking into the space and as if hearing my sound he looked up and had a keen look on his face... I slowly went towards the dressing table and took the moisturizer cream and sensually tried to apply in on my hands and legs as I heard him take a deep breath.

           "Are you playing with me baby?" I heard him growl like an animal before dragging me to the bed and pinning me there like a prisoner.

            He breathed in my neck and kissed there sometime before making an angle with my face. His lips touched mine and the familiar feeling of hotness enveloped my body.

    I felt his hands on my legs sliding towards my waist. My heart started to beat faster when I felt his lips on my neck. The whole blood rushed to my cheeks as I his hands removed my clothes. He again pulled me towards himself and kissed me as he sucked my lips making me groan. His hot breath on my face is making my toes curl and his hands are making circles on my waist.

             I gasped hard as he started sucking my neck hard as if he is trying to mark me and show to the world that I am his. I stopped him and came on top of him startling as he chuckled at my wilderness.

                I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me as my lips touched his and my hands playing with his hair locks. He groaned when I started sucking his lower lip and I felt his hands slide inside my lingerie and touch my bare waist as I gasped and moaned his name..

        I felt him push me down in the bed and his hands started to undress me slowly. His lips still on neck and that's the thing that is making me thoughtless.  

                He removed my upper garments and looked at me with keen eyes as if he is studying me for the first time even though it is not... The hotness I am receiving through his eyes is enough for me to blush and hide away but I know this is not the time... This is not the time to hide...

        His are diliuting darker with each passing second waking up an unknown desire in me I woke up and started to help him remove his t-shirt. His eyes still on my treasure.

          After removing them I touched his chest and my lips trailed on his neck and stopped on his Adam apple. I licked it and bit it hard and heard him moan my name encouraging me to do wonders with his sinful body...

       His groans and moans are enough for me to turn on. I cupped his face and kissed his jaws. His hands on my lower part.

          With one last kiss on my lips he got up from the bed and removed his lower garments and helped me remove mine.

         I heard him groan as he drank my appearance with his lustful eyes. He immediately pushed me on bed and kissed my forehead.... And with that... The night filled with our moans and the void of being away for three years disappeared... I felt him near me.. with me and inside me as mine... That night my heart felt content and happiness which I have longed for and again I felt like falling in love with him.... For the nth time!

Author's POV:

    The sound of rain hitting the windows some Priya up as she groggily looked around her and then was about to wake up looking at the time when she felt his strong arms around her frame.

        "Ugh! Let me sleep!" She heard Abhay say and smiled at him... She missed this... Their normal mornings of waking up together and casual nights of making love.

         The love for him is making her smile like a stupid and the fact that she knows that something will be wrong again is breaking her heart... She wanted this.. she wanted him around her hugging her when she needed and his mere presence is enough to make her smile and be strong.

         She turned towards him and kissed his forehead as he flickered his eyes before opening them. "Morning sex?" He asked and she blushed before hitting his chest. "Iam not a fucking horny teenager!" Priya said giggling.  "Last night I remembered you wanting me soooooo many times.. didn't you baby girl?" He asked now leaving against me...

          I blushed and pushed him away before drapping the blanket around my figure as he got up shamelessly in nude. I giggled and we both entered the shower!

   After that we got dressed and left to Ajay jiju's place when Abhay got a call from someone and from the frown on his face... I can feel something is really wrong!

Heyoo guys. I am sorry for the late update but today I came to relatives place and had to be here.

I hope you all have liked the chapter and to be honest this is my most descriptive mature content! If the last time was most than this is something much more than anything!
     Iam sorry if there are any mistakes in writing this part ..

Also I want to ask how many if you really want Vikram and Sam's story and I want to know whether you guys are really interested in knowing the past of the couple... If not then I will continue writing them here only and if you are the. I will definitely do write about them!

Please do tell me what you all want.

Love-Anya ❤️

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