The Talk.

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Sameera's POV:

   My heart beat raised as I looked into his eyes.. for some reason I couldn't look away and this is bothering me.

          "Sam?" I heard my mother calling and looked down immediately and walked towards where he and his parents are there.

            "Isn't she gorgeous?" I heard his mom saying and blush formed on my cheeks immediately.

         I joined my hands and said them Namaste and they both returned the same. "Beta you are in our Abhay's wedding too right?" Virupakshi ji Vikram's mother about whom I got to know from Priya said,  exclaimed as she sat down on the chair and I nodded my head in yes

         " Priya is my best friend." I said settling beside my mother. "Wow! That's super cool! I mean she is like a daughter to me.. she is so nice.." Virupakshi ji said.

           " I already like you." Virupakshi ji said and i looked down blushing and then felt slight uncomfortable since all the eyes are staring me.

         "Mom I would like to talk to her personally" Vikram said and I looked upto him to look at me in my eyes.

      We both went and reached a corner table. He pushed one chair for me and I sat on it. He pulled himself a chair and sat before me. "Sir order." I heard waiter saying.

           " We will order after sometime." I said and looked down again and played with the end of my saree.. "Uhum-Uhum" I heard him and looked at him. I saw his lips tugging upwards a little and unknowing to me I felt my heart ease a bit.

        " So umm.. I know you have someone... So why this marriage?" He asked relaxing a bit. " Umm... How...?" I said looking down again. "Abhay told me..." He said and I felt his hand on mine.

        "See Sameera I know you are nervous and probably freaking out but trust me I am not going to eat you... You can ease yourself.. shall I order food so that you can relax?" He asked and I nodded my head in no.

           "He got to know... Somehow.. I don't know.. and you might probably know that he loves Priya.." "Remember when a guy touched Priya's dupatta and sniffed it and took it away from her... You know that Abhay was the one who beat him to pull right? He even tried to chop that guy's fingers... I stopped him.. trust me it takes him zero point five seconds to do something to that Yash or something of yours.. he stopped because of you and Priya.." Vikram said and I nodded my head.

          " I loved him since I saw him... But he loved Priya and I never got the guts to confess fearing the rejection and I thought if I do... I might loss him as my friend too." I said. "But that changed yesterday when he spoke like that to me Vikram... I mean I know I loved him and didn't tell him but he should know.. that he can't take me as granted .. I was there when he was crying Vikram yet he made me feel like shit... Vikram I am so tired waiting for someone who never will show up and in future even if he did... I know misunderstandings will create a wall between us.. " I said and he gave me his kerchief and rubbed my those few tears that fell.

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