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Chapter 7


Our car reached the house.. nope not a house it's a freaking mansion! Ugh! What's the use of having a huge mansion. I shook my head at my thoughts.

We got out of our cars and went inside after getting checked by the gaurds. Huh!even after having a police with us here still they want to check? Typical billionaires.

Suddenly my heart is beating fast. I don't know why! I looked around myself. Sensing my discomfort dad came and wrapped his hand around my shoulder and gave a peck to my temples. Thats why I love him so much. He knows me too well.

I gave him a small smile to which he gave me his signature assuring one. We all five went inside. When we are about to enter through the main door I heard "WHERE THE FUCK THAT LADY WAS? HOW MUCH FUCKING TIME IT WILL TAKE HER TO REACH HERE? I WANT MY DAUGHTER IN FRONT OF ME RIGHT NOW!!!"

Adrenaline rush through my veins and I felt sudden rush of anger. It's their fault that they left the baby alone. "Hello Mr. Whoever you are instead of screaming where your baby is you should have kept an eye on her. Why are lashing out now?" I said entering inside. Though I feel something is familiar with this surroundings I choose to delete that feeling from me.

As his back is facing me hearing my voice he suddenly turned. Along with him I saw his family. A gasp escaped my mouth involuntarily. There he is.... My future husband.....

Our eyes locked. He is looking at me with so much intensity that I can feel myself getting burnt. His held authority, power, coldness and... and some emotion that I couldn't despire.

Suddenly I feel my body numb. My eyes are blurring. Iam sweating and that's the moment Meera realised what's happening to me she took Princess from my hands and tried to hold but dad beat her and secured as I pooled in his arms and soon darkness clouded.

After half and hour.....

Author's POV:

After Priya's collapsing her soon to be mother-in-law orderd her son to taker her to his room while Priya's father was trying to reach her doctor.

In this chaos the little baby with big doe shaped eyes started crying because her aunty who held her upto then left her.. she is feeling uncomfortable in her aunt Naina's arms.

She is only comfortable with her grandma, Abhay sometimes with Naina too but only when her dad says.
Abhay is pacing here and there while Priya's father clasped her hand with his. His daughter once again faced her panic attack. He looked at her pale face and grimced at that. He wants that old Priya who used to fight with him, who is so lively that he used to forget who he is in front of her small petite figure. Even though she is 5'7 he feels she is still small in front of him.

His daughter's big eyes are something he is in love with. He was the first person who saw them. When nurse brought his daughter from his wife's delivery room she is just born. He just entered hospital then. When he came near her sensing his presence maybe she opened her eyes and looked at him with her beautiful big eyes filled with lots of curiosity.

There Abhay took his daughter from Naina's hands and hugged her tight to his heart. He was very afraid when he came to know that his daughter was missing. He kissed her hair.

The doctor reached the place and Abhay looked very worried. He guided her to the room where his soon to be wife is unconscious. He don't why why but looking at her like that is making him frustrated, worry and all mixed emotions. When he saw her in real he felt an urge to hide her from this cruel world and keep that girl who is having some beautiful and innocent pair of eyes with cute lips.

The doctor checked Priya and gave her father a small smile and said "Nothing to worry Mr. Sharma. Just her usual panick attacks. Use the medicine I prescribed last time thoroughly." "Thank you Mrs.Kapoor. I know this is late but I was worried. It's been long since her last panick attack." Priya's father said.

Mr. Abhisek Rathod and his wife Vandana Rathod looked relived as they heard the doctor's words. Abhay's perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at doctor.

What the hell they mean panick attacks? What happened my Priya? Wait what? My Priya where is that coming from.? He talked with himself when he heard a sweet voice. The voice which previously yelled at him.

He looked at his fiance with so much adoration that he lost and was brought back to earth when his daughter started to play with his rugged cheeks. His daughter is pouting and giving him dark looks as he is not paying much attention to her.

He looked at the woman who is doing some different works with his heart now smiling at whatever the doctor is saying and suddenly the doctor stood up and left followed by Priya's father. The officers present there watched all the drama and was amused at that.

The chief in them asked Abhay's permission to leave as they already found their daughter. Abhay took them out and thanked them and gave them permission to leave.

Now back to business. Why did she fainted due to panick. That too when she saw him. There is something.... Something going on. He thought.

While inside Priya's room her soon to be mother-in-law gave Priya a motherly hug and her father-in-law patted her head with love. Naina came and sat beside her best friend.

Priya's POV:

After I woke up the doctor talked with me and went away taking her leave. My soon to be in-laws gave their love and went outside leaving me with Sameera and my best friend Naina and a man is beside her. Yes she is my bestie since college days. She is having mangalsutra around her neck and Sindoor on her partition.

I gave her a glare and she said she married a year before and introduced her husband. " So the cute angel is your daughter?" I asked her. To which she shook her head frantically and said "she is bhai's daughter." What? Abhay has a daughter. Then he already must be married? But mom said.... I gave confused looks to Naina to which she gave a deep sigh and looked at me with sad look which is speaking whatever she is going to say is something really bad!!!.....

Hey my lovely readers. Hope you all are doing well.

So what the hell? This chapter is veryyyyy confusing isn't it? Well to all the questions... You will find answers in future chapters.

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