Meeting the groom?

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Author's POV:

     The cool breeze touched his skin as he gazed at the sky and sighed for the nth time as he glanced back at the woman who enticed him.

         He is gazing at her as if he is trying to touch her with just his looks. He took a cigarette and lit with the lighter as he gazed at the night and took in a very huge puff before releasing it into the air.

     He entered inside the room and bended to her level and touched her cheeks which are tears strained and suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at him...

       She slowly got up and walked to balcony again... She sat in one of the chair there and pushed him one. He dragged the chair and placed it beside her's and sat in it.

        She is looking into the space as he placed his hands on her's and for a minute he was afraid that she will swatt his hand away but she didn't do such thing and instead moved her chair closers towards his.

           " You just can't hurt someone just because you are angry. Your words might seem smaller to you and might not make sense to you if the other person cries but words are something that touches the heart directly and will leave a permanent impact on the person..." She said and he nodded his head and felt ashamed for what he did.

            " Tell me about him.." he asked and she looked into his eyes.. "don't tell me his name or what he does or where he lives... Just tell me how he used to be with you-" "He is a handsome man... A very handsome one if I might add... His dark black eyes and half curly and half silky black hair... His cheekbones and rough look enchants every girl... His eyes used to hold authority, power and coldness that makes his opponents weak .

      He was my stalker first... He used to send me roses and even broke the hand and punched a guy in his nose just because he misbehaved with me.." Priya said and looked at his reaction which is neutral and not much of anything... "Soo he is a creep?" He asked and Priya chuckled while nodding her head.

           " A handsome creep... He stalked me for four years... One day... I met him in rain... There was something in him which pulled me towards him... His everything made me fall in love with him, his anger, his love, his attitude, his care, his possessiveness... Everything... He is like a gift that I have received from God... At first he didn't tell me he is the one who stalked but later I got to know... He is my classmate's brother... He loved me a lot... He endured my tantrums and was with me when I was feeling down.. he loved me like no other and cherished me like a doll... His precious doll... His care, immense love is hard to avoid and harder to reject... I fell for him.. I fell him bad... So bad that... That living without him felt like a nightmare... A nightmare which only haunt me every single time I close my eyes..." She said and as few tears rolled down..

          " If you both loved each other so much then why did you guys drifted apart?" He asked as he covered the pain in his voice.... The way she is describing the man she loves is breaking him.. yet he felt something.... Something familiar...

            " We didn't.. situations separated us.." Priya said looking at her lap playing with her fingers fighting her mental break down as the memories started suffocating her.

          "If he... If he comes back.. will you leave me?" Abhay asked as fear can be clearly seen on his face... Priya snapped her head towards him and looked into his eyes before cupping his face.. " he might be my  love Abhay.. but.. but you are my life right? I won't ever... Ever leave you.." 'this time' she added mentally to herself...

        As soon as she completed her words he got up and immediately pushed her into his arms crashing his lips with hers...

         Hot... That's how Priya felt.... His lips are sucking hers as his hands entered her top and gripped her bare waist..

      She made her hands towards his hair and gripped them tightly and moaned in his mouth as he groaned at the pleasure he is feeling when she kissed him back with equal passion.

            He squeezed her waist making her gasp as he entered her mouth and explored her familiar yet unfamiliar corners. He left her mouth and then attacked her neck not giving her the time to process on what's going.

      He pushed her to the nearby wall and slowly slumped down. His hot mouth still trailing kisses on her neck and nibbling on her skin occasionally making her gasp and moan his name...

        They are in such a position that she sat in his lap while his back touched the wall and legs are stretched.

        He stopped assaulting her and kissed her forehead... She is still gasping due to his effect and the kiss.. " I love you. " He said and that night they spent in each other's arms... And after years... Priya felt like she is at home... His arms and embrace comforted her which she longed...

The next day has been nothing but chaos... The elder Rathod couple and Naina left the place... Though situations are not good with them before but Priya felt lonely as soon as the left.

        Yesterday when she told him about himself she felt like crying but she kept mum. She thought he might get any headache or something like that considering his problem but nothing such happened instead he is sticking to her like he used to do in past...

On the other hand Sam's parents reached Mumbai early in the morning and were shocked to see their daughter's swollen eyes. Sam lied about the journey being tired. After reaching her apartment her mother forced her to take some rest until then she will cook something. Half-heartedly Sam again cried herself to sleep and the most painful thing is he didn't even call her!

               When she woke up again it's afternoon 1 and her mother called he for lunch. She ate lunch with her family and then her mother asked her to sleep again to look glamorous for the evening.

             She woke up at 5 and her mother asked her to tie a saree and she got ready in a light pink saree which made her look cute and good and suited her complexion.

               They all together left to the restaurant near by at 7 since the groom family mentioned it. The car ride towards the restaurant is calm and soothing but the turmoil inside her heart is making it hard for to even breath! They soon reached and saw the couple waiting there whom they already met in Hyderabad recently.

             As soon Sameera stepped inside the cafe she felt an intense gaze.. she looked up and saw two brown-black mixed eyes looking at her with a keen look... "Vikram." She whispered... Looking at him from a far as both of their eyes widened in realization...

Congratulations to all those readers who have guessed right! Yash don't deserve Sam! Vicky is ❤️❤️❤️ so Vicky is our second hero 🤩.

No Diya baby= No fun. I missed writing her today 😪😪.

What do you guys think will happen?   

Two broken hearts will mend each other knowingly or unknowingly~

Hope you all are liking the story so far!

Well I will take my leave now!

And ok-

Love-Anya😂😂 ( Because many preferred Anya and not my real name😌)  


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