Past part-26 Honeymoon

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Priya's POV:

We soon after marriage reached Delhi along with all our family. My happiness can't be explained in words and in short words I was all smiles from ear to ear.

Finally I am married to the man who loved and the man whom loved me. Even though he is with his friends he looks at me and smiles and I become the last shade of red... And the teasings, comments and making fun is not helping a lot...

The evening came pretty early and by now I was changed into a simple saree. Anyone who can look at me can say how much happy I am.. I am sure my eyes must be twinkling.

I saw all of our friends whispering and giggling among themselves and I raised an eyebrow at Sameera who is giggling at something Ajay jiju said. She winked at me and I chuckled at their antics.

Currently I am with the elders while Abhay is with our group. I heard a throat clearing and saw my mother-in-law smirking at us. I hid my face in my pants as embarrassment washed me over.

" He is all yours Priya and you can have him all you want." They said and I chuckled at them while nodding my head.

" Listen Priya I know he have short temper, stupidity and all but I know one thing that my son is a gem!" Said Vandana ma and I smiled at her and nodded my head. My mother ran her hand on my head and kissed my temples.

Later they all left our house leaving us both and before leaving dad gifted a new brand car to Abhay which is a black one. Abhay hugged my dad and Abhay's parents gifted me a new necklace piece with ear rings and Bangles.

While all our friends gifted us honey moon tickets which they are for tomorrow. My husband gifted me a ring...

We both now are comfortably sitting in our room, and I am sitting on his lap such that my back his facing his front and his back is touching the headboard.

I can feel his hands on my stomach. "Aren't you going to ask me you gift for marriage?" I asked him as I made myself comfortable hugging him.

He is brushing my hair and kissed my forehead. " Your parents already did a great thing by creating you, your mother made a great job in making you a woman with great personality, your father took care of you like a precious doll you are, and you married me... What do I need more than woman who is not afraid of claiming me as her's infront if everyone, a woman who loves me and kills everyone who wants me?" He asked and I laughed at me. " You are so cliche sometimes." I said and he made me turn towards him.

My face and his face are just few inches apart his hands are drawing patterns sensually on my waist as his breathing hit my neck as a shiver run through my spine.

I closed my eyes as I felt inching more... I waited for him to initiate... I felt his lips on my temples and I opened my eyes and smiled at him to which he returned the favour, "Sleep now all you want baby... Because the upcoming to weeks might drain and will be so tiring" he said sensually in my ear aand I closed my eyes.

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