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Vikram's POV:

I looked at her and saw fear in her eyes as she looked at me. Shit.. I didn't mean to scare her. I thought and smiled at her to which she too gave an awkward smile.

         But when I saw his finger prints on her white milky skin I didn't feel right... It's as if... I can't even describe what I am feeling. I took her arm in my hand and she suddenly steeped away with shock. Her eyes are wide and her lips are parted might be because of shock.. she is looking cute.

      I motioned her to come and she nervously came and stood beside me. I examined her arm and looked at her. "Is it hurting?" I asked her. She nodded her head in no. "Chalo. Let's get going." I said as I walked towards the passenger door and opened it for her. She came and hoped the car and I went and sat on the driver seat.

      She is looking outside as iwe started to move. "Where is your apartment?" I asked her but she didn't answer and looked as if she is trance. I asked again. This time too she didn't said and I shook her little bit earning a flinch from her. "Huh?" She asked raisi g her eyebrows . "Address?" I asked her.

      She told me the way and I started driving.. I saw her eyes glisten.. " See. I know you are hurt with my behavior towards your love interest but I can't tolerate it when someone miss behaves with you.. it might be your personal things and you might like him but I won't tolerate such kind of things.. I hope you understand." "You think too much Vikam.. I am just upset that... What I did him to make hate me.this much! I hate it Vikram." She said sobbing and we reached her place. She is continuously sobbing and I let her to vent up her emotions. She took my kerchief which I gave her previously.

       She wiped her tears and due to that her cheeks have became red. "Thank you for the ride.." she said and left the car... I wonder whether she is.... No no Vicky... Don't poke others more and that too who are heartbroken it will only add them more pain... I thought and left from the place.

Sameera's POV:

I saw Vikram leaving and started making my way towards my home as I thought the recent events happens in my life.

        I closed my eyes and huffed as I reached my door. For my surprise it's already opened! But the keys are with me... My parents said they won't come and I slowly opened the door to see a tall figure is sitting in my couch sipping something. Fear gripped my heart but nevertheless I entered knowing who is it inside.

      I saw Yash sitting there and sipping a drink. I went towards him and looked at him folding my hands near my chest. "What are you doing here?" I asked him and he grinned at me.

       "Came to see you" he said getting up from his place making me step back. He soon pinned me to the wall. His front is pressing to mine while I tried to push him away.

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