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Author's POV:

       " How dare that bitch? She is literally after him always tailing behind!" Tharuni yelled as she pushed away the things placed on the table with anger.

              " I WILL FUCKING RUIN HER!" Tharuni yelled making Tharun chuckle. "Trust me baby boo she will kill you in a snap of  fingers... She kicked the shit out of me in restaurant and stabbed my hand just for touching her and you trying to harm her? Want to die or what?" Tharun snorted.
            Tharuni took a nearby vase and threw that on him to which he dodged it off. "Truth hurts sweetheart. And do you think he will watch you silently as you hurt her? Don't tell him these sort of words or else you will as dead as good even before you take revenge..." Tharun said as he took a cigarette in his pocket and lit with his lighter..

Priya's POV:

"So you are telling me that you knew from the start but you didn't tell me!" I said and Amaira heaved a big sigh and nodded.

       I glared at her and she pouted. I shook my head sideways and looked at my daughter who is now playing with Amaira's son.

           Abhay and Vikram Bhai are discussing business while jiju is now holding their second son.

             Me, Amaira and Sam are having a happy chat. " I am thinking to continue her training." I heard Abhay say and looked at him only to see him look back at me.

             " The current situations are not the best. To take care of Diya, Sweta is there. I want her to get strong incase of any situation. Same goes with those two ladies chatting over there too. They might Target you guys too just like how they did to Nima. So...." I heard him say and saw Vikram Bhai looking down and then looked at Sam who is giving him look with sadness. Ohoooooooo!

         " We will discuss all that later but... Why both of you are still not going to honeymoon?" I asked and saw Sam looking down and bhaiyya coughed.

                  " Yeah man! Wait so sorry I forgot but I am extending your leave and you might rec-" "Actually we are thinking to take it slow you know... Uhmm so that we can understand each other and if everything goes good we will umm go then." Sam said playing with her end of saree..

               Amaira chuckled looking at blushing couple. Vikram Bhai looked at me pleaded me with his eyes asking me to drop the matter and I chuckled but nevertheless agreed.

             " Waise how about pasta?" I said getting up from my place and heard everyone yell yes except from my husband who is smiling at me softly making me blush and look away.

             Let's get on this!

Vikram's POV:

        After some time we came back to our house and Sameera went inside as I was talking with my mother..

           After few minutes I cut the call went inside and didn't found her anywhere so I went to her room. I opened the door as saw her standing there.... Only in her blouse and petty coat... And looked at me with surprise, her eyes wide as soccers.

          The sight infront me raged my inner demons as they begged to come out and claim her and mark her as mine...

               I looked away immediately and ran downstairs and drank cool water as sweat beads formed on my face. My heart is beating eratically and my mind is fuzzy and her that image is constantly popping in my eyes I closed my eyes hard and tried not imagine how she will look under me moaning my- No Vicky don't fucking go there..

            "Uhum-Uhum" I heard her sweet voice and turned to see her in her pajamas. Her cheeks are in dark shade if red. "Umm.. are you hungry?" She asked me in a small voice..

           Yes I am hungry.. not for food but for you.. I don't know from where the hell my these dirty thoughts are coming but I just can't help but feel this way towards her... Just look at those toned legs Vicky... Imagine them circling around you... Goshhh what the fuck and why she wore those shorts that ended till mid thigh now?

                   "Ram." I heard her calling me and awkwardly cleared my throat. " I am sorry Meera I should have knocked." I said looking down.

           I felt her look at me and then come near me. She suddenly came and cupped my face before standing on her toes and touching our foreheads.

               " It's ok.. don't feel bad." she said and kissed my cheeks smiling like a sweet angel. She took my one hand and kept it on her waist as she snaked her both arms around my neck. She looked into my eyes and closed her eyes leaning into me as I sealed the deal off with a heart craving kiss... I took her off from ground and placed her on the near by cabinet and stood between her legs.

            She started trailing her hands on my chest as I cupped her bare waist from slightly raised top. She gripped my collar and pulled me closer to her as my hands slided upwards and stopped just near her upper curves . She gasped when traced her treasure and moaned into my mouth. I stopped kissing her and retreated my hands back before kissing her forehead. "We should stop or else you can't be able to handle this beast..." I told her in hear ears as she gripped my shoulders hard..." I am excited to control your beast." She said seductively making me amused at her. She pushed me and walked away like a queen... My queen...

Our couples are on fire nowadays 🔥

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