Past part-6. Shocked?

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(Note: as I said there won't be Abhay's POV

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(Note: as I said there won't be Abhay's POV. But I will be explaining how he felt and all. Hope you all like it.)


Author's POV:

* 4 years back when Priya came to Delhi*

Abhay Rathod... A man whom people can never understand... He is rude... He is arrogant.. buissines world fears for whom he is people. Close people loves him for his passion for them. Women die to bed him... The certified Casonova is nothing a but a heartbreaker.

Abhay took the handkey from his pocket and rubbed his face. He is in his one of his hotels to check up on the staff. He recently took over the business from his father and he is actually doing so great and even acquired a title.

He is in the ground restaurant floor checking up on everything when his eyes caught a beauty. His breath hitched looking at the girl who is infront of him. His eyes glued at her.

The way she ate biryani and licked her fingers in the end. Yes... Unlike other girls she haven't ate with spoon and didn't take little bites even in public. She ate like she is starved for years. Even after that she ate two ice creams amusing him.

That's the time when he decided she isn't like other girls he bedded. Yes, he isn't a virgin and he have no shame to say that out loud.

From that day onwards he followed her. He watched her buying journals and later in the night she even checked whether he is a ghost or not. The thing she haven't noticed since then is he always stands there..looking at her . Maybe stalking is a crime but who cares? She became the queen of his heart.

He was with her everywhere like a shadow. At the same time he managed his company and became the king of the buissines. Only God knew how he balanced everything. Being on business world is not as easy people say or show is books and t.v shows. It needs all your energy. If being a CEO has it perks then it have some minus points too. You won't be having a day called weekend. You have to take care of your employees, you have too see if there are any scams running in your office and empire.

One day one thing caught the mighty's eyes. That day he saw her crying and when he investigated he came to know that she was harrased. He imagined her teary face. That's it... It's enough for him to kill that person.

He asked his best man and best friend Vikram to bring that bastard who had dared to touch and sniff what is his. He took his belt and beat him. Anyone who hurts her don't even deserve to live and here this idiot thought he can get away?

He punched that Harsha's nose because he sniffed her scent. He broke his hand for taking away her duppatta. Later he sent rose bouquet, a teddy bear which he knows she is keeping it with her and chocolates. But what she did? She again amused him giving the flowers and chocolates to the Staff.

He chuckled now after 4 years. His spitfire would be now probably will be very shocked to see him. Yesterday too. He got the same response from her which he longed and desired for years.

Now he is so happy that his asshole of friend is marrying his love of the life's sister.

He is now packing his bags with all his necessities. He deliberately is not sending flowers so that he can see her reaction.

He zipped the bag. Wore it on his shoulders. Kept his wallet in his pocket and went downstairs. His driver dropped him off at the airport. It takes him 2+ hours to reach Hyderabad.

He sighed and sat in his business class seats. He is very excited to meet his love.

2hours passed by him getting anxious about their meet. He want to see her, talk to her, be her favorite person. He want her to talk to him like she talks with her best friend ughh? What that girl name is.? Oh yeah! Sameera. Non-stop. Or maybe even more than that.

Whenever his mood is spoiled he will look at her pictures as he took so many of her's whenever he felt her cute which is almost every time. He will look at her picture before cracking any deal and it never failed him to get him that deal. It maybe silly for other that the India's buissines tycon is so sentimental on a girl... But does he care? No!

He reached Hyderabad. The winds of the city hit him as he closed his eyes and let the cool air blew his slight curly hair to bounce. He opened his eyes and he saw his best friend. Giving him a hug, he sat inside the car.

"She is a great girl I must say Abhay. She is beautiful, smart, quitcky." Said Ajay and Abhay smiled at him. "But what if she gets know that you are a bastard and not really a gentleman. You saw how she treated Harsha. She haven't even looked at him for having many girlfriends... But you-" "Shut up! She is mine. Whether she accepts it or not. Iam going to make her mine in the end. And so what if Iam a womanizer. And for your information I USED to be one. Not since I saw her." He said and rubbed his forehead as he is getting headache with all his friend's stupid facts.

Facts? Yes they are facts. He is a womanizer... His heart is beating fast as his hands are getting sweaty. He is the one who asked Ajay to bring her to home so that he can see her the first thing he enetred. He want to surprise her.  He want her to run to him and hug him and say she missed him.

       He chuckled at his own stupids thoughts becuase she only saw him yesterday and how can she do that. It isn't like she too stalked him and is dying to meet him.

As soon as he got down from the car he is greeted by Ajay's mother, Arunima and Vikram. While hugging "she is inside." Whispered Arunima. He grinned and started walking inside fastly. Almost everyone knows his love for her. Except Naina. She would have killed him knowing that he is eyeing her best friend.

As soon as he entered he saw her looking at him with wide eyes... Those eyes.. those eyes are enough for him to drown himself and he just want nothing but die looking in those pretty eyes.

A smirk appeared on his handsome manly face as he saw her reaction. Her lips are parted with shock.

He looked into her attire and smiled as he saw the grey colour chudi adorning her curvy body.

Giving her a smile he left upstairs to leave his luggage in the room. He came down after washing his face.

The door is opened ajar and as he is removing his shirt Priya entered and immediately screamed looking at him... His upper body naked. He looked at her and immediately ran to her and closed her mouth. She is already in very shocked and having him touching her upper body with his naked one is the last thing she imagined after having a dream like that.

He grabbed her inside as downstairs voices can be heard. He locked the door and removed his hands on her mouth. To be honest he want to replace them with his mouth but he doesn't want to scare. She again started screaming looking at his bare chest. He again closed her mouth with his hand as they both heard a concerned Amaira saying "Priya? What is that?"

Here is the chapter. Hope you all like it.

And what do you think next gonna happen?

Do tell me your views. And guys please do vote, comment and support me... Iam working very hard to give you all updates. As i said earlier I wanted to stop giving the updates but after seeing how much you guys got connected to the story I dont want to disappoint you all by keeping them in on hold. Please atleast vote.

        It's really hurting and not at all supportive. Iam not being greedy here... I just want you all to know that Iam trying hard to give updates. My online classes started and Iam managing two books and even should complete the daily tasks given by them.. so please try to understand.


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