Past part-20 Him and Only him.

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Author's POV:

       The slow breeze touched her pale skin. She was laid on sand... Her grave's rituals are being done.

        Everyone who knew her are in trance that she is not dead.. she is not dead she is just sleeping..

         Her cheeks which used to have rose redness on them are now as place as white. Her lips are dried and colourless.

           Her hair is disheveled. Her eyes are closed. Bruises covered her beautiful face. None can digest the fact that she won't be living with them anymore... The baby was dead inside her and was operated and removed.
        Vikram's misery is too much to handle for anyone. The lively guy is as dead as good.

          No one one who are present there are able to digest the fact. Priya is leaning against Abhay's shoulder as he gripped her shoulder hard. She is being like that. Abhay is not liking a little shit of what's happening and he doens't know who the fuck is behind all this.

       After graving and mourning everyone are tired and went to their respective homes ofcourse not Vikram who still kneeled at his lover's grave and baby's grave. He doens't want his baby to be in a dustbin of hospital so he cremated him too.

          Abhay started driving towards his home. After this attack he doesn't want to her stay out anymore. That night they shifted Priya's unconscious self and Arunima's body to Delhi so they could get over from the horrible place. Abhay informed Priya's parents.

     They are already in his home waiting for them to return. Priya slowly again leaned on Abhay and the fact that she is being weak didn't sit well with him. Her parents wanted to take her from him to Hyderabad for a week or two but Abhay didn't let that happened and assured that everything will be alright. But everything was far from alright since then.

       A week passed in a blink and Priya still couldn't fathom what has happened and started to live in past. She is feeling disgusted of herself when Abhay explained what had happened to her. She didn't knew everything but for a thing she knows that an unknown person tried to do things with her. She atleast can remember little amount of those things.

       Waking up in one of Abhay's room the day they landed took everything in Priya to digest the facts that a sister like Arunima is no more. There were no evidence that it was a murder so no point of arguing to get justice. The ever lively Vikram changing himself into a rock broke her heart.

     A week passed. Currently she and Abhay are sitting in the dining area. It's already night and they are eating quietly. Correction. Only Abhay is eating and she is playing with food.

       Abhay slowly lifted his gaze and found her zoned out. His patience level is decreasing with each day passing no evidence from that side and watching Priya like this adding fuel to already burning fire.

         She is acting all weak and it is not sitting well with him. " You will be getting training from me from tomorrow. Self defense classes." He said in a clipped tone but Priya didn't show any ounce of response making him bang the table hard enough to make her flinch but he didn't regret that.

      " I said you will be having your defence classes with me from tomorrow." He said pointing each and every word and Priya looked at him with confusion.

         " You should learn to protect yourself. I can't always can gaurd you even if I want to. You should help yourself in difficult situations. You shouldn't bend your head Priya. You are going to be Mine.  Even if there is no guarantee that we will end up together but you should atleast try to learn to defend yourself. You can't always depend on someone or other to protect you all the time." Abhay said all these in one breath and Priya looked at him.

         " Am I disappointing you." Her voice came as a whimper as tears filled her eyes. Abhay now regret even opening his mouth seeing her in tears.

      He rubbed his face with his left hand. " Priya don't cry.. I have not said that. It's just that-" " I know you are angry for letting another man touch me. But I swear I didn't knew." Priya started sobbing making Abhay feel like hitting his head to the wall nearby.

     He rushed towards her and kneeled infront of her. " Sorry sorry my baby girl.. I haven't said that now did I ? I will never be ashamed of you it's just broke my heart to see you broken like this. Why would I be angry on you when the mistake was mine? I failed to protect you and I am angry on myself..  If my words hurt you then hurt me too." He said slowly rubbing her tears while she pushed herslef in his arms.

       She hugged him tight and he tightened his grip on her small waist.
" I- I told her Abhay.. I told her to not to follow me. I told her to run away. *Sobs* I didn't *sobs* I didn't expect her to die *sobs hard* I swear Abhay I told her to run and go to you all back then.. *sobs* but she didn't and came with me saying many horrible things might happen if s-she doe-does that. *Sobs* what is more ho-horrible than her death!" Saying this Priya cried hard as Abhay stroked her hair.

      After crying he fed her and the days rolled with Priya training for self defense. She has became good within four months.

       She loved what she was learning. She became strong physically and mentally.  He taught her how to be strong. Days passed and oneday she asked Abhay again about her job but he always changes subject and don't allow her to go to work... Going to work is a big thing he kept her inside his mansion with him making her inward of that fact. He never let her realise what was happening..
        Before he used to stay in an apartment but he bought a mansion for them to live after their marriage right after when he decided few years back. That helped him to keep her with him and have a home. His parents nor her's didn't said anything because they know he has his ways of claiming things he wants.

       Priya too slowly was captivated with his sweet love and when she asked him later he said that would be best for her to stay in home since attacks are happening. He charmed her like he promised.

        But he never crossed his limits. He always did what made her comfortable. Slowly her world was full of him. His laugh, smile, talks, anger, kisses, hugs , him and only him.

Too much love always leads to obsession. Mind what you are doing.

So here I am again saying I won't be updating but in the end... *Sighs*

Well I am tired now. Take care people. Stay home, stay healthy and most importantly stay happy.


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