Past part-7 Truth or Dare?

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Priya's POV:

"What happened Priya?" Asked my cousin Amaira for the nth time now. My cheeks are blazing hot and tinted pink. Blushing furiously I don't even know what I have to tell.

As when Abhay closed my mouth she stayed outside for sometime. After sometime she left. Before leaving his room I checked whether she or anyone at there and left his room leaving a confused yet amused Abhay ji inside.

Abhay ji huh? What is he? Your husband? Mocked my inner voice. I shook my head to clear all the dirty thoughts appearing in my mind. I think not only me but no girl can ever think properly after she saw a Greek god half naked.

But why should I look like he effects me which increases that jerks ego more? Yeah so I kept neutral. He is currently sitting and is busy talking with his friends as if nothing happened so why should I make a scene. I thought.

We sitting on the terrace as the cool breezes hot my face causing my hair to move in all sort of directions.

"Hey why don't we play truth or dare?" Asked Arunima. "Yeah it would be fun." Said Shresta jiju's cousin.

We all sat in a round position. Vikram Bhai spinned the bottle and it landed on of Jiju's cousin. After asking truth or dare he said dare. "Then talk to your talk to your girl friend and say that you are with your ex." Said Jiju smirking.

That guy's eyes widened and nevertheless did the call. We all laughed at his expressions. The next I sounded the bottle and it pointed on Jiju. "Truth or Dare?" Asked Amaira. "Always dare baby." He said. We all girls aww-ed.

"Then Kiss her." Screamed Shresta. Amaira's eyes widened at that while jiju smirked. He winked at her and she blushed.

" What? Shameless!" She exclaimed still blushing. "You should kiss. Come on. We all aren't kids." Shresta said laughing. Jiju then grabbed her by waist and kissed her on lips. My eyes widened and immediately looked away. My eyes landed in Abhay now who is looking at me with some strange emotion. I started biting my lips as I am feeling nervous under his strong gaze.

They all clapped. I moved away from his strong gaze. Next jiju spinned the bottle and it landed on me. "So Priya truth or dare?" He asked.

" Truth." I said. "Do you like someone?" Asked jiju. My eyes landed on Abhay. "Hmmm.. no." I said smiling.

"No one?" He asked and I nodded in no. I saw Abhay grinning.

Next I spinned the bottle and it landed on Abhay. "Truth or Dare?" I asked.

"Truth." He said. "Do you love someone?" Asked Arunima giggling. Abhay grinned at her. "Yes!" He said as tint of pink can be seen on his cheeks.

All aww-ed but something in me didn't settle well. When he said that he loves someone else.

I ignored it and started playing the game until it's night and time for ius to leave. Vikram Bhai had gone for some work while jiju is having an urgent video conference.

So Abhay is the only one who is left. All the time he is looking at me but I stayed mum not able to talk anything. He dropped Amaira first as her home comes first them mine.

He slowed the car and stopped near and icecream parlour. I looked at him questioningly. "Why did you stop here?" I asked him.

"You like icecream right? That's why" he said and went out off the car. He came to my side and opened the door. I too came outside and we together entered in.

After ordering a chocolate ice cream i asked what he will eat to which he said he won't eat ice cream. I shrugged my shoulders at this tasteless fellow. Come on who don't like ice creams?

Iam eating and suddenly a thought came to my mind. "How do you know that I like ice creams?" I asked him.

He looked at me nervously and then suddenly said "Naina. She told me you are crazy for ice creams. " He said and bit his lip.

Suddenly his thumb touched my skin near my lip and he took sucked his thumb after that.

"There was ice cream." He cleared his throat and mumbled. I felt butterflies- no! Whole zoo running in my stomach at the same time angry because he said he already love someone and doing these kind of things means is he using me for time pass? I felt more angrier now.

I ate the ice cream silently and he paid the bill. I should pay him back. I mentally thought to myself. Soon the car halted infront of my home. I turned to leave but he catched my hand and turned me towards him.

I looked at him and wiggled trying to remove hand from his grip.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked I didn't said anything and sat silently.

"I asked you something." He said. "You love someone right? You should be worried when she is not talking with you. Not me." I said angrily to which he chuckled.

"Are you anyway jealous Ms.Sharma?" He asked. I glared at him. "Why will I be jealous Mr.Rathod? Enlighten me?" I said making my lips forming a thin line.

"Priya.." he called me. I didn't even looked at him. "It's you only.. I Love YOU PRIYA." He said and looked into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat. I looked into his charcoal black eyes finding if he is saying truth or not.

Without telling him anything... I ran from there to my room. Feeling like coward... Sweat is formed on my forehead. I closed my eyes as I felt my heart beating fastly like... These emotion and new feeling are eating me alive... What have I landed myslef into?

So finally he proposed. What do you guys think Priya will do? Will she accept or not?

Tell me your views on the chap.

Love-Anya ❤️

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