Past Part-13 Forehead Kiss.

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Priya's POV:

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Priya's POV:

    Iam currently sitting in our bedroom while Sam is glaring at me like she will kill me now by any moment.

      "So.. you are saying that he is a nice person... HAVE YOU LOST YOUR BRAIN WOMAN? HE CAN BE A PSYCHOPATH!" She screamed at me while I gave her sheepish smile. " Come on he is Nina's brother for god sake! He couldn't be that bad..." I said as I munched on my chips.

       " You sure?" She asked now taking seat beside me. " It isn't like we are getting married or having sex! I will take my own time and then will see whether he is my type or not.".I said and passed her chips. We both are looking at eachother munching.

      " If you say so.. whatever happens remember I will be always with you." She said as she licked the masala from her fingers.  " So? How are things going here while I was away?" I asked her laying on my bed.

       "Quite boring." She replied. Later we talked about literally everything and we don't even know from where to where the conversation have gone.

Author's POV:

       The cool breezes touched his manly skin. His eyes have stars in them as he thought about his sweetheart.

       How beautifully their day went? And how good it will be to spend all his life with her?
       Abhay can't get down this heavy happiness in his heart as he continued to smile whenever her image popped in his mind. Is it common in love? He don't know but all this new feeling is great.
       He doesn't want this feeling to have an end. It's a torture.... A sweet torture for him but he want this to continue all over his life because he is in love with this.

          Everything is going according to his plan. Just few more days she will become his. And then no one can seperate her from him. He thought and smiled.

        Hmmm since she is his girl now he should tighten the security around her. Being in buissines world he got many rivals as gift! So it's better if she is with having some Security.

         But... Is it ok if he keeps men around her? What if they too fall for her? No that can't happen. So just like previously he will keep best female defense masters around her. That would do. He thought and patted his shoulder for his great thinking.

           The next day was quiet hectic for him. Meeting lined up like anything and he never had time for to eat.

           In the evening his head is aching like anything but still he sat infront of his computer when he heard the door of his office opened. He looked up and found Priya giving him a warm smile. She came and placed a box infront of him. He looked at her questioningly. " Well i thought you would be hungry." She said in a calm voice with smile on her face. She brought him food because he texted her that he didn't ate anything? He smiled at her warmly making her blush and her heart is beating fast.

         " Hm... So considerate." He said smiling as he opened the tiffin box she brought. She brought him sandwiches. He gave her brief look and then thanked her. He then ate silently while here Priya's heart is beating like anything.

            She don't know why the hell she is worried about this man but something in her made her bring food for him. After completing he washed his hands.

        " So? Aren't you supposed to be reading since your exams are near." He said rubbing his wet hand with her dupatta. " Hey my dupatta will get spoiled." She said. He looked at her and then smiled sheepishly. His eyes fixed on hers. Her hair is dangling covering her eyes and lips. Before she can ever reach to touch it he took hold of her face. Priya's breath hitched as he sensed his gaze on her lips.

         He removes the strands of her hair. He slowly started to decrease the distance between them. Priya's insides are churning as some undescribable feelings are waking up in her body. She closed her eyes as she felt his breath near her lips.

             Abhay looked at the woman infront of him. He smiled when she innocently closed her eyes. He moved upwards and slowly placed a soft kiss on her forehead. " Thank you." He said in a small yet masculine voice as goosebumps made their way on her her skin.

         She didn't dare to meet his eyes.. but he so badly want to see them. Those black eyes... Which always makes him wonder how beautiful they can be. He lifted her chin with his finger.

           " Let's leave then." He said looking at her. " Don't you have work to do?" She asked. " You know how to spoil the mood don't you?" He said.

          " Well you have to work. We can have as many dates we want but your work... It needs your attention and I don't want to be any disturbance or hindrance between you and your work." She said sternly.

           " You are the first girlfriend-"  " Iam not your girlfriend." She cut him off frowning. " Not yet... But you will be... One day you will even carry my name... One day you will carry my marks on your body and you will also carry my babies in your womb.... You are already mine." He said grinning.

        " Acha... So you are that confident huh?" She asked. " Very......" He said and she hit his chest. " Fine then I will leave. I have to study. I came here for a break and Sam will be waiting for me..." She said and left not before pinching his cheeks.

          Abhay saw as she walked out and left... Go now wherever you want to go Priya... But surely in few months... I will make sure you will live with me in my mansion.... And it's a promise from Abhay Rathod to you Priya Sharma... He thought as a smirk adorned his handsome face.

I hope you all will like the chapter. Due to my personal reasons I didn't updated and from now the frequency of updates will decrease too.

       Iam not really in a good situation now so try to understand guys.

Do tell me how the Chapter is.

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Love-Anya ❤️


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