Move on.

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Sameera's POV:

We soon reached Mumbai and for some reason I felt Yash (Aaryash) ignoring me. We are sitting in a cab driving towards my place. Since his place is few blocks from mine we decided to pull off near my apartment.

      The cab stopped and I opened my purse to pay him but Yash beat me off. He removed the suitcases from the cab and started walking leaving me.

       I frowned and started feeling annoyed as he avoided me but nevertheless followed him from behind. As soon we reached my apartment which is in 3rd floor he looked at me and I went past him and opened the door.

         I invited him inside and after placing our things near couch I settled in it. He is not looking at me but his lap making me frown. " What happened to you?" I asked him and he looked away..

           " It felt hard to leave her there Sam." He said looking straight into my eyes his eyes glistened with tears. I sighed with frustration not because he is not loving me... But because now he is a loving an woman who is  married to a man.

         "Aaryash I know you love her but it's high time.. its high time you should move on in your life and forget about her. She never saw in that aspect so why don't you-" "Is it because you have feelings for me Sameera?" He cut me off making my eyes go wide.

           " Are you telling me to forget her and love you instead... Is that what you wish?" He asked venom dripping from his voice making me close my eyes as his words hit their wings at my heart making me whimpers to the pain. "Get out." I said and he looked at me confused.

        "I SAID GET OUT!" I screamed  as I got up from my place and saw him shocked but nevertheless got up and took his luggage and walked away.. I collapsed on the ground as tears made their way. I hugged my knees and started sobbing when I heard my phone ringing. Its mom.

         "Have you reached beta?" She asked as soon as I lifted the call and I said yes. "See your dad's sister brought an alliance for you.. the boy is living in Delhi and has a nice background... He will be perfect match for you.. I would have sent you- " "Mom... Please don't.. and do what you want... I know you guys choose best for me." I said as more tears rolled down from my eyes and I immediately wiped them.

           " Then we will come tomorrow to Mumbai. They said they will bring him too." She said happily and I smiled at her happiness. "So you know that I won't object huh?" I asked still wiping the tears which are rolling continuously and smiling as I talked to her. " Aye... I know my Samu would never say no to me." She said giggling . "Maa I am tired will call you later." I said. "Take care Samu! I know you won't care about yourself but you have to be in good health.. now Priya is not there too. But after marriage you will be with her again! Oh my God! I am so happy!" My mother said again and this time I said bye after hearing and she replied the same. I kept my phone away and thought... It's not only time for Yash to move on... But for me too..

Priya's POV:

     The cool night breezes touched my skin. I just put angel to bed and came balcony of his room. The soft air, the stars, the moon, the calmness of the night is very soothing.

          I suddenly felt a presence behind me and saw him there... Looking at me as if I am some piece of art that he admires.. he came and stood beside me.

            " Thinking about me?" He asked and I rolled my eyes at him and continued to look at the sky. 

               " I stopped thinking about people who have no respect for me nor trusts me." I said looking away. I heard him sigh and take something from his pocket. I glanced my side ways and saw him searching something in his phone before giving me it.." I got that photo just before I come to mandap on our wedding day." He said and I looked at the photo in which I was in an intimate position with Tharun. This photo was from the situation of Goa where I was abducted. I never that this bastard would do something as cheap as this.

            "You got this from?" I asked him. "An unknown number. I asked Vicky to check but the details are not coming." He said and sighed. " What you want to tell now?" I said in a clipped tone..
             " I am sorry... I shouldn't have said those things that I had said that day... I am so sorry.." he said and I gave him phone and turned to leave when I felt him tug me towards him. His hands on my waist as he locked his eyes with mine. I saw his eyes glisten. " I swear on my life I didn't meant to hurt you.... I was jealous...I thought you will leave me too. I know my sorry might not change anything nor saying sorry might not mean something to you since I was rude with you but I swear on Diya when I said I like you by then I know that it is not just like... I know it's love but I don't want to scare you but there is this heavy feeling in my heart every time you show me your back or ignore me... It makes me feel useless... I am sorry baby girl" he said and my eyes widened at his confession..

         I pushed him away slightly and left from balcony and laid on the couch which is beside the cradle of my angel and cried myself to sleep... I know I am hurting you... But I won't accept you called me names... Just because you are angry and jealous..

Double update!

Just because you are angry you shouldn't say things you meant.

And you all might think that Sameera is moving fast... Just stay tuned~

And..... Do vote, comment and support me.


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