Past part-22 Tharun.

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"Who is Tharun?" Asked Priya. "One minute Priya." Abhay mouthed and pointed to the ear pods in his ears and mobile in his hands.

          So he is talking with someone. Priya thought and waited for hi to complete his talk.

     After few minutes if talking he reached her and they both walked to her bedroom again.

        They both sat on the bed. " Now answer me. I have heard his name quiet few times among you guys.. you are not hiding something are you? he even called me to bad talk about you-" "THAT FUCKER CALLED YOU." Abhay screamed and Priya covered her ears with her hands.

         " Why. Didn't. You. tell. Me?" He asked heaving and pressing each word and Priya closed her eyes as she realised that she spilled the beans.

       " See. I know you are ang-" "Shut up!" " Abhay I am so-" "I. SAID. SHUT. UP!" Abhay cut her off and angrily got up from the bed.

          " What did he tell you?" Abhay asked panting. Priya  looked away... Abhay fastened his steps to her and gripped her jaw tightly making her wince. " Tell me.. what the hell did he tell you?" He asked. "Why are you so angry suddenly!" Priya said angrily. "TELL ME." He asked pressing her jaw more. Priya but her lips hard trying not to cry closing her eyes hard.

       " He- he said you are a snake and venomous one.. he said you are a psycho and asked me to stay away..." Priya said as tears rolled from her eyes. Abhay immediately left her face thinking of what he did to her. He was about to cup her face to say sorry but she flinched and took a step back.

         He took a deep breath. " He... He is a bad from whom you should stay away from. Just know that.. he has hurt my family. His father betrayed my father.. he thought to step over us.. I caught them and exposed them. They went to bankrupt due to that and lost all their assets. I dragged them to road so... Some things happened."  He said and was about leave " Is that all? You are not hiding something...are you?" Priya said and Abhay turned to see her.

      " Priya.. just because I  gave you the liberty to talk.. doesn't mean you can speak anything or ask anything. If this shit happens again don't blame me for upcoming consequences." He said angrily and closed her room's door with thud. Everytime I think to make it up for you... I only end up messing it.. Priya thought sadly and again thought about her plan.. but now she is somewhat reluctant to imply that. She closed her eyes and waited for tomorrow...

Priya's POV:

    The sunrays hit my face and I slowly opened my eyes. After freshening up I saw the time and its showing 10. I closed my eyes in frustration! I hate waking up late! I looked at my face in mirror and saw something different in me..

      I went downstairs and the head chef greeted me. It's a daily thing for me to wait here for Abhay... " Did he go to office?" I asked the head maid who is serving me and she said yes. I sighed and started to eat slowly.

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