Found an Angel.

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                        Chapter 6

Priya's POV:

Its been a week since that party. On that day everyone really enjoyed. Good new is that  in party when a colleague of us asked Sameera for dance I saw a shade of jealous running through Aaryash eyes.

I damn knew it that there is something going on between them. From that day onwards I started to him tease whenever I feel bored. But what doesn't sit right with me is on that party day Aaryash said someone was coming and Meera too reacted negativily about that. But I didn't find anyone special there. But on that day onwards I am feeling that someone was following my every move and watching me. I brushed it off thinking my halucination... Who follows me? Its not like I am a celebrity.

About that Raghu well he became my biggest headache.As I am the lead for the project he is taking the advantages about that situation. Currently I am in office and is doing my work and leading my team. Our client's workers too often visit our office for work.

It's evening time and also the time for us to leave the office. I went to my  boss's cabin to give today's work report. I knocked on his door and heard a faint 'come in'. When I went inside Raghu is having a smirk oh his face while leaning on the CEO table.

       "Where is Mr.Ramchandra sir?" I asked in a formal tone. Seriously I am in no mood for his shit right now. "Away from us darling" he said and started to come near me.

         He was about to touch my waist when I held his hand and twisted it. "How dare you?" He yelled "I have that much of dare which can ruin your entire life. Don't you ever mess with me. Now tell me where is Mr.Ramchandra?" I said angrily.

      "Priya!!" He screamed when I twisted his hand more. "He-he is g-g-gone to home. He told me to tell you to show the report tomorrow." He grunted. I left his hand and said "don't even think to ruin me.. Iam someone who can ruin your whole life. This is the last and final warning. Mess with me... I will show you who the actual boss is." I spat and went to parking lot after packing my things. Even Meera is with me. She was waiting for me.

       The time is 7:30 now. We usually go home at 6 but because of project and all Mr.Ramchandra suggested us to go home when the work is done in office. On the way back, we both went to a mall for shopping. I was pretty much tired but I Meera said she wants to shop for something and I accompanied her.

We went to the formal section and I took some tops, then went to the saree section to have a look at stuff.

That's when I saw a cute baby, she was in those pretty baby dresses, a pink colour frock with pink colour shoes. She is very tiny and cute.

But that's not what caught my eye, she was held by a lady who doesn't look like she can be the mother of the baby and the baby is crying. Crying and wiggling and this woman is trying her best to control her. It clicked me. The child is being kidnapped. Something in me snapped and that lady had an eye contact with me as she rushed away with the baby. I was quick. I dropped the bags on the floor and went to the lift but the doors were already closed so I ran, I rand downstairs, I can hear Sameera screaming but I couldn't stop at any point.

When I was down, I saw her running and chased her as she went through allies. I finally got a hold of her and immediately Sam held her tightly following me as I snatched the baby and fished my phone to call police and text my dad. The lady was
Trying to wiggle her way out of our clutches so holding the angel in my hand I helped Sam tie my scarf to her hands and Sam slapped her, soon within few minutes police were there and so was my dad.

We together with that woman went to police station and the SI there looked stunned as he saw the baby in my hands.

"Let me make a phone call." He said and talked to some people.

"The girl you have found is very important! She is the daughter of a business tycoon and she went missing this morning, this lady I assume is her nanny who apparently stole her."

"But why would she bring her to a shopping mall?" I asked.

"To change her clothes and clothes of the baby I assume."

"How careless her parents are even? How can they even let some stranger take care of the baby?" Sameera ranted and my father looked irritated too.

"Actually, these people said they would like to meet you and personally thank you."

My first response was no but then I looked at the baby who is now having a good time in my father's hands as she looking at him with her adorable eyes.



Hello people!! So finally another chapter ♥️.

Sorry if my translation is wrong. Iam poor in translation. I tried my best guys.

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Love-Author ♥️

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