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Author's POV:

The cops surrounded... The people are murmuring among themselves... Some recognized who she is... Some are unaware..

She stood there numb...as few lady constables gave her water. She was taken to the station and the news spread like a wild fire and reached his ears... He didn't trust their words.. he didn't trust that she has gone.. that she dropped his trust. He went to their home to prove them wrong... He wanted them to know that she can never disobey him and she understands his harshness.

But when he reached home he got to know... That she indeed left. He went to the station that was mentioned by the officer.

He hurriedly went inside and saw her numb face and her grip on their daughter. He saw her hugging their baby to heart as if her life is depend on Diya .

After talking with the officer and clearing few points they reached home. "SWETA" Abhay yelled for Diya's Nanny. She came down rushing andAbhay ordered her to take Diya. But Diya is tightly clutching Priya's dress and is crying loud.

Nonthless they took Diya away from her. For few minutes they stood there... Priya looking at the ground and Abhay at her. She heard him heave a big sigh and leave a frustrated breath. " Take rest. I am going out to check about what happened." She heard him say and walk away from her but she grabbed him by his hand.

"I am sorry." She said whimpering and he nodded. He removed her grip on his hands and walked away leaving her alone to wonder in her thoughts.

Days became 2 weeks. He no more comes home early and always tries to stay away from her, he no more takes her hand made food, no night outs, no late night talk in balcony.. no snuggles, no good bye kisses, no mid night cuddles and in the end no eyes contacts...

Short replies, ignoring her presence acting like everything is fine with him... Day by day with his actions he is making her go out of mind... He is not scolding her neither he is showing his anger instead he is as calm as an ocean before the storm. He rarely talks and when she asks him about why they are attacked he will stay still and leave the place.

Currently Priya is changing Diya's diaper as Abhay is getting ready for office. He was rolling his sleeves. " Abhay." Priya called him and he looked at her direction. She got up and went towards him. She gulped her tears. " See. I know I did wrong but please don't do this to me." She said in a feeble voice.

He nodded and took his jacket, wallet and watch before leaving her in the room. "Abhay listen to me. Why are you avoiding me? I swear I didn't expect that to happen!" She said hugging him from back as they neard the steps.

He took hold of her and turned towards her and then again without saying anything he left her there again...

       She turned her heels towards their room as tears ran from her eyes... Nothing much changed Abhay... Nothing much changed.

Sameera's POV:

   I started washing dishes when as we just now completed eating food. 2weeks of our marriage is bliss.

          I got to know from Ram that Diya and Priya's issue and jiju's anger to it. I felt sad and contacted Priya. Even she didn't knew what was happening.

               " What are you thinking?" I heard Ram say. "Oh! Nothing just random thoughts." I said looking away.

                "Abhay gave job to Yash yesterday." I heard Ram saying and looked at him to only find him looking as casual as nothing ever happened!

         " You are not angry at him?" I asked him and he smiled. " He is a kid baby... He is just stupid. We recently got to know about his skills and dedication so Abhay offered him a job. Don't worry not in the main branch where you are going to work. I may be a nice man but I won't tolerate if he again tried to touch what is mine " he said and my heart skipped a beat when he said baby. I nodded my head completed doing the dishes.

          " I told you to not to do all these things!" He exclaimed making me chuckle. "Oh.. but once I join in office I won't do. So Atleast let me be like your wife for somedays." I said chuckling.

             " See even if you won't do this, even if you won't wear Mangalsutra, kumkum and all these doesn't changs the fact that you my wife and to feel that you are my wife you no need to do all these things. Even if you won't do them you still remain mine and my one and only wife!" He cupping my cheeks in the end making me smile... He too smiled at me and decreased the distance claiming my lips.

Priya's POV::

The pain in my heart is increasing immensely. I called Sweta and told her to take care of Diya as I will be out for next 1-2 hours. The time is already 7 and Abhay will not be here until few hours. I will reach home by then.

     With tears still running down from my already red and swollen eyes I continued to drive towards my only solace.. with the decreasing distance my heart is hammering against my chest and my mind is all numb. I haven't went there in 3years!

              Maybe staying there for sometime will make me stronger! I thought and soon I was infront of the place... That have my heart... I slowly opened the gates and started walking inside. The garden in which I have spent my time is lifeless... The porch which I made sure looks clean is now looking like a haunted place. The area is not full of dust but is scary! But I know that this place contains nothing but memories..  our memories.
        I took steps inside the big bungalow he gifted me in our initial days of relationship. The key I always carry with me... With the help of it I slowly unlocked the main door and entered inside...

                  There is no dust..  I went to our kitchen and smiled there looking at our s all heaven... I went towards the hall where there is our big portrait and smiled looking at it.

        I went to our bedroom and looked at clean room. I suddenly heard someone's voice... A man's voice across the other side of the hall... My heart is beating hard as I took my steps towards it... The sound is coming from the room which contains our memories.. I can now hear the sobbing sound and sweat beads started forming on my face. I slowly opened the door and saw a weeping Abhay... Clutching a photo to his heart....

🤩🤩 Happy 50 chapters.


Also a very happy birthday to you Akka.  kiruthijay. This chappy is dedicated to you 😍.

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Love-Anya ❤️.

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