Everything is settled?

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Author's POV:

     Nothing in this world goes according to how you planned... Nothing's in this world is same for everyone...

      He thought he could get away stealing her..he thought everything will be alright once he get his hands on her... He thought she will stay with him permanently once she will be away from him but what he don't know is HE has his eyes all around the place... He doesn't know that he already messed with a wrong person.

        Aaryash and his few of his friends thought to kidnap Sameera, take her to temple, marry Sameera with Aaryash and then drove Sameera to sign their legal marriage documents.

        As simple as everything. But they forgot that HE will be having his own preparations. As soon as Aaryash landed down with a struggling Sameera in his hands his eyes caught few pair shoes and looked up to see Priya, Abhay, Ajay and Amaira looking at him with a blank look. Priya's eyes landed and his grip on Sameera and slowly she made a move...

         She saw her best friend in tears and reached him. He made Sameera stand on the ground. Her ice cold eyes made him shiver with fear... He don't how! They got in without anyone's knowing and then suddenly he saw his friends standing there looking down guilty.

         They got caught. Priya took Sameera's hands and turned towards Abhay. " I will leave him to you. He shouldn't come again." Priya said and Abhay nodded his head. He called over security and asked them to take him to their one of out house and he will come after the marriage.

               The marriage got completed and everything turned out beautifully in the end... They all were smiling at the cameras widely.. they didn't know that their this happiness is going to last for only sometime and they will land in trouble for sure... They didn't know that the demons are ready to eat away their smiles.. they didn't know that... Happiness is going to live short.. 

Vikram's POV:

In the end of the day finally I got her. She is with me here.. standing beside me. She is smiling at me... When Abhay came and said that he caught someone suspicious me and Ajay immediately started interrogating that assholes and got to know that fuckers plan about taking someone who is Destined to be mine in the end.

     I really don't like how he has taken for granted and now wanting her even after knowing that she is the bride if someone.. so with a perfect plan we caught him.. we caught him and because if the stupid rituals I can't see her before marrying.

       But everything is settled now since Abhay gave him some beatings and a good councilling. We don't beat or do something bad to someone just because of petty things. He is still young and have a life to lead.. he is just confused and a but annoying. If we have wanted we would have ruined his entire career with just a snap of fingers but... We know the value of life...

        So here we are sitting in my room's balcony... Sitting beside her and looking at the moon.. I saw her looking at it with so much admiration and love... " For a minute I thought everything is over..." She said and looked at me smiling.

Sameera's POV:

He is looking at me no smile nothing but still staring at me..

     I looked away and again is looking at moon when I felt his hands touching mine... I looked at him and the next thing... I felt his soft lips touch mine.. he pulled me into his lap and his hands touched my bare waist. I sat there... In his arms.. not knowing what to do..

       After sometime he released me and I still closed my eyes.. " what happened? You didn't like it?" He asked cupping my face and I looked down.. what the hell? What should I tell him? That hey yo Ram! You are my first kiss?

            "Meera... I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" He said and I looked up to him and nodded my head hurriedly in no.  "Umm.. that's my.. that's my first kiss..." I said nervously looking down and heard him take a deep breath!

               " I am your first kiss!" I heard him exclaim. I nodded my head in yes and then again he pulled me. Closer to him and kissed me hard on my lips as and this time... I too joined him by following what he is doing... "Well I am glad... I am glad I am your first!" I heard him say and kiss my temple... That night we stayed in each other's arms in the presence of moon...

Priya's POV:

Few days passed and life is going in the same way. Me and Abhay are sitting in the movie theater as we just now completed a movie marathon. "Hmm I want to take Diya to shopping." I said as I munched the left over chips..

           "Again? But why?" He asked looking at me. "Ohh don't be like that she is a baby and she needs a day out!" I said now wetting my lips. " But taking her out like that.. no Priya please..." He said and. I pouted. " Please Abhay... Just one day please!" I said and whined more.

         " A no is a no Priya! Don't push my limits!" He said getting up and I glared at him. Where did my happy baby gone? And who is this idiotic man?

         But nevertheless the next day after Abhay left for office... I took Diya with me.. we enjoyed so much and she was all giggles. I was carrying her and was walking when I felt Diya being snatched from me and that person started to run. I ran after him. Soon he was out of mall and my breath is shortening.. I wanted to run after her,. My cries are becoming hard and that person is now far away from me..

          I increased my speed and ran after him and caught his back collar making him halt. I took my crying baby in my hands and was about to talk to him when I heard gun shot... And even before I can process anything I saw the person infront of me collapsing as blood is oozing from his chest....


What do you all think about this chapter? The next chapter will be more interesting!

Stay tuned.
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